How to change a background image to a Google Calendar

Since its inception, the Google tool has been the most innovative and used by users around the world, with thousands and thousands of daily visits that allow the company to grow more and more in a positive way and generating benefits for all of us, but not just with that, he has created a new platform that is part of the project called Google Calendar.

As its name indicates, it is a calendar and agenda that works electronically, there we can perform various functions, such as adding and creating reminders , this would help us and generate much more comfort when organizing our daily activities, and so on. The best thing about it is that we can see Google Calendar on the desktop of our PC.

It was launched in 2006 and since then it has not stopped receiving totally positive reviews among its employers, with some tricks to use its functions in the best possible way, and improving every day to make our work and social lives one simpler organization , being able to connect files to an event , and the aesthetics are remarkable at all times.

Reasons to use Google Calendar on our mobile

If we want to better enjoy and enjoy Google Calendar from our mobile, then we must know and know which applications are essential to meet our goal.

The first is “Any.Do” is one of the highest quality applications when managing our activities, doing its job in a very efficient way, and the best thing about it is that its compatibility with Google Calendar is one hundred percent. balanced and guaranteed percent.

Another very powerful and necessary one is ” Evernote ”, being in its branch one of the highest in quality and aesthetics, it allows us to personalize our notes with labels and other accessories, and leave them on the screen of our mobile for any task of the day that we have to do not be overlooked at any time.

Of course we cannot put aside ” Facebook ” being the worldwide social platform a total innovation, from it we can share our events and organizations directly to our Google Calendar , which generates greater convenience and versatility.

One that is also easily integrated with Google Calendar is “Gmail” allowing us to interact and therefore receive notifications of dates and times of various events that we have pending.

How can I add or modify a background image on my Google Calendar?

The answer is very simple and the steps are quick, first of all, we must access our “Google Calendar” account , there we will find a “gear icon” at the top of the screen which means ” configuration ”, we press there, various options will be displayed and we must click on the one that indicates ” general ”.

Then, almost at the end of the options there will be, ‘ ‘ calendar background ”, we press this , then we must click on ” choose an image ”, here we can choose a photo or image from Google or one that we have previously saved in the files on our computer.

” Select ” and then we go to where indicated ” general settings ”, click on the option of ” centered ” and then on ” scaling ”, this step is done to place the position of the image and the size as we want it to appear in our Google Calendar background , finally, we ” click ” on ” save ” and we can go back to the home page to see how it has been, and voila, it is done.

 Best benefits when using Google Calendar

Undoubtedly, this tool is extremely useful, with it it becomes easier for us to check the weather, for example, if it is a rainy or sunny day, just by placing our location area we will have a precise and immediate answer.

Also among its greatest advantages we have the fact that we can consult it without having an internet connection , such as seeing the events we have planned, or creating one, this can be used both on mobile phones and our PC.

It allows us to customize different calendars in the same tool, as if that weren’t enough we can organize our tasks in various types of calendars, isn’t that great? So if you don’t have this tool in use, don’t hesitate to use it.

You take advantage of the customization options that Google offers in its entire line of applications so that you can get the most out of all of them.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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