The SPID , the Public System of Digital Identity, is now an indispensable tool for interacting with the Public Administration; it is a system that allows individuals and companies to access all the digital services of the Public Administration with a single digital tool; through the spid you can authenticate yourself on institutional sites and submit questions and requests directly from home. The SPID is completely free and you can request it from various authorized bodies; including Aruba; requesting Aruba SPID is very simple and can be done directly from your home computer.
So if you want to know how to activate Spid Aruba continue reading this guide, I will try to be as clear and simple as possible.
Apply for Aruba SPID
First of all, it must be said that applying for Aruba SPID you must be at least 18 years old and be an Italian citizen or in any case with a regular residence permit. SPID Aruba Level 2 is completely free
The procedure for requesting the Aruba SPID consists of two distinct phases:
- Acknowledgment of the person making the request
- Enabling the spid login credentials
To request Aruba SPID you will need to connect to the Aruba SPID service page and select the recognition method. You have 3 different recognition modes available:
- With digital or remote signature: in this case you will have to download an Aruba ID membership form, digitally sign it and top it up signed; you therefore need a digital signature
- With health card or CNS: in this case you will have to insert your health card with CNS or your National Service Card in an enabled smart-card reader; you will therefore need a card reader, health card and pin
- With electronic identity card (CIE): in this case you will have to read the identity card with an NFC reader connected to the computer
Once you have chosen the recognition mode, press the Continue button . on the next screen click on Continue again . Now you will need to log in for Aruba services; if you are not registered yet, press the register button (in this case you will have to fill in all the fields shown in the registration form for Aruba services).
Now to activate Spid Aruba you must accept the conditions of the service, ticking the entry for acceptance and press the Continue button . You will then need to perform email and mobile verification . the codes will be sent via text message and an email that you will need to verify by following the instructions that will be provided to you.
Subsequently you will have to proceed with the recognition of the person necessary to request the Aruba SPID; the procedure will be different depending on the recognition criteria you have chosen. Follow the instructions that will be shown on the screen to complete the procedure and activate Spid Aruba.
Once everything is complete, you will need to download the Aruba OTP app (available for iOS and Android ) on your smartphone, which you will need to authenticate with Aruba level 2 SPID.
It is worth remembering that the SPID has multiple levels of security and in particular:
- SPID Level 1: used to access online services that contain data that are not particularly sensitive. To log in with the SPID, simply enter the username and password of the Aruba SPID
- SPID Level 2:used to access online services that require a higher degree of security. To access via SPID you will need to enter the username and password of the Aruba SPID and then you will need to validate the authentication attempt with the Aruba OTP app
- SPID Level 3:used to access sites that require particular security: In this case, in addition to the username and password, it will be necessary to use cryptographic keys.
The free Aruba SPID allows you to manage Level 1 and Level 2 while for level 3 the Aruba spid is paid.
So, in conclusion, the Level 1 and 2 Aruba SPID is completely free and can be activated directly from home; to use the Aruba Level 2 SPID it will then be necessary to use the Aruba OTP app. If instead of activating Spid Aruba you want to request the Post Office SPID (which has the same functions) then read my guide on how to request the Post Office SPID .