How to always be in good shape?

The mechanism of life needs energy. As the books suggest, the energy of life arises from an oxidative reaction, as a result of which the electrons of oxygen are combined in pairs. This process forms the basis of metabolism, so the importance of oxygen during the production of the body’s vitality cannot be overemphasized.

Handy anesthesia

In a moment of acute experience – for example, horror or despair – we weaken our breathing, refusing to take a deep breath, and create muscle blocks, in particular, in the diaphragm (heart) and abdominal cavity (genitals). This reflex mechanism is used when it is necessary to cut off unpleasant sensations in the life-forming organs and systems of the body.

Everything comes from childhood

The connection between breathing and sensations can be clearly seen already in babies. Children learn to hold their breath by pulling in their stomachs to stop discomfort. They lie very still, trying to avoid fear, and symbolically “die” with their bodies so as not to feel pain. As we age, our brain only learns to do such tricks more imperceptibly for us.


At a psychological consultation, the client is sometimes surprised by the cry that is released from his “dead” body when working with deep breathing techniques. This happens especially clearly with clients who come with a complaint of apathy, anxiety, a feeling of inner emptiness, depressive states. Already the first attempts to learn how to breathe correctly lead to the understanding that the body was as if frozen in an effort to subordinate it to the aggressively creative goals of self-realization and the fulfillment of accepted social roles, as a result, the repressed body was finally discarded and forgotten as unnecessary, and emotions were body signals about the state of needs – beyond comprehension.

Scientific approach

Many experiments show that a sufficiently noticeable weakening of the interaction between the body and the environment leads to a loss of sensations, including the sense of the reality of what is happening to us. A person temporarily deprived of all sensory stimuli begins to hallucinate. The same happens with a strong limitation of motor activity (movements of our body caused by muscle contractions). The weakening of the body due to the absence of both external stimuli (for example, food, information, other people and interaction with them and much more …) and internal activity (everything related to the mechanics of movement) limits bodily sensitivity.

Losing contact with his own body, a person loses contact with reality.

This is where the river of psychological problems originate, primarily those listed above.

Simple truth

Finally, the maxim “Movement is life” takes on meaning. The main operating rule, which should now be learned, is the following.

The more movements, the more breaths.

A healthy, active body is always characterized by spontaneity and full, light, deep breathing, which, by accelerating metabolism, tones the body and gives the very feeling of being filled with life and energy due to the included sensations. Therefore, an evening walk, a light morning jog or skillful meditation can establish inner balance and concentrate the flow of vitality more effectively than lying exhausted in front of the screen in an attempt to reboot, relax, and even more so – start life from scratch or start the morning with a new healthy habit.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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