How to activate the dark mode in TikTok

Mobile application services include in their great universe of possibilities, that of social networks, interaction and entertainment platforms. So with each new update, these new functions and features are included to improve the experience of using them.

In this way, the TikTok application is no exception , and I recently included the function of dark or night mode to the features it has. The one that you have the possibility to activate from both Android and iOS devices.

Therefore, we will show you a simple guide with the steps to activate the dark mode in TikTok from an iPhone and iPad cell phone, so that you can enjoy this new TikTok feature on your mobile device.

What is dark mode used for?

Mobile applications are one of the mobile services that is updated and renewed more frequently, so new functions are added to the same new functions to make their use more comfortable and efficient. In this way, dark mode stands out as one of these updates that has recently been added to most of the mobile applications out there .

In this way, you will notice that this function is integrated into very popular applications , and therefore you have the possibility to activate the dark mode in the Facebook , WhatsApp and even Twitter applications. So it was a matter of time for TikTok to include this option to activate the dark mode within the services it provides.

So the main reason why this feature was integrated into different mobile app platforms, such as TikTok, is to reduce the damage to your eyes from exposure to blue light emitted by mobile device screens. Which consequently makes enjoying the experience even more comfortable.

How to activate the dark mode in TikTok from an iPhone and iPad cell phone?

Dark mode is one of the features that has been added in recent years to various social media and app services, and TikTok is no exception to this feature. So, once you have downloaded TikTok on your iOS device, you will notice that it is easy to activate this mode .

The first step to activate the dark or night mode in TikTok is to enter it and enter your profile. Once there, you must select the option of the three horizontal dots that is shown in the upper right corner of this window, which represents the configuration functions.

Then, you must locate and access the option identified as “Dark Mode” that is shown with the icon of a crescent. When you access you will notice that you have two options available for this mode, and it is the one called “Claro” which is activated by default since you installed TikTok on your iPhone and iPad cell phone.

Then, you just have to select the option identified as “Dark” and that’s it. In this way you will have activated the dark mode for TikTok from your iPhone and iPad device.

What’s the reason for the growing popularity of TikTok?

Many times the apps are overly popular for a while, and in the blink of an eye, you won’t hear from it again anywhere. However, this is not the case with TikTok, as the application currently has millions of registered users on its platform who keep making content on it.

So the main reason why TikTok is so popular is the convenience and ease of using it. Well, simply slide you can enjoy content of all kinds in this application.

In addition, another reason that does nothing more than increase the popularity of this application is that there  are many celebrities who are registered in it. So many of his followers create an account on TikTok to closely follow the publications they make.

Therefore, the recent function that integrated the TikTok application to its functions of being able to activate the dark or night mode on its platform, which includes iPhone and iPad devices, only increased its popularity.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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