How to activate, process or apply for an HSBC credit card online

How good we feel when we need money at a critical time to buy a variety of things and it has finally arrived What good news, but so far nothing has arrived yet What can you do?

La Banca Universal offers a lot of benefits , provides the opportunity to get our own bank account. As well as it allows us to carry out the movement of them and from your own phone, that is, from the comfort of your home. Or if your preference is to go directly to the bank, it offers you personal customer service.

All this and much more can be obtained by making your request in the bank, but there is a bank that you can trust. There is an entity that has been given the task of becoming a bank that serves our needs nationally and internationally with credit cards is: HSBC.

What is HSBC?

It is a Bank that will solve your problems, it was founded by Thomas Sutherland in 1865, it receives that name from Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited . They managed to finance the great commercial demand that existed between China, India and Europe, in 1875 it expanded to seven countries.

By 1900, Thomas Jackson became Executive Manager , and with him the bank expanded to more than 160 countries. By then many countries opened their businesses thanks to the fact that the banks financed them, by the beginning of the 20th century it was expanding with greater impetus in Asia, also financing the government in its projects.

Through time, HSBC has proven to be a bank with well-founded foundations, because it has repeatedly helped in the growth of many countries with the acquisition of credit. That is why a reliable, responsible and successful bank.

To be part of this great family it is very easy you have two options, one is online or go to the nearest branch. There, request the requirements that you must take to request the credit card , now we will talk a little more about it.

What is an HSCB Zero credit card?

It is more than just a plastic to buy what you want, it gives you a great profit opportunity for you. Through credit you can get this:

  • You can buy from contactiess technology, in minimum purchases of $ 1500 MN
  • Sign your purchases digitally with your PIN, from our official page you can get your personal PIN, visit us!
  • It will inform you via text message when your Zero credit card has been used.
  • You can pay your bills from your touch phone with Samsung Pay.
  • Protection over the control of your credit card or increase its limit through the application HSCB total control.
  • Protection in case of loss, theft, duplication of your card.
  • Monthly promotions without interest , with discounts throughout the year.

Requirements for the Acquisition of an HSCB Zero credit card

Before going to HSBC Banking to request and deliver documents, you must enter online banking. Look for the option “Enter our online application”, then fill out the application, and finally collect the following documents:

  •  Identification card , valid passport, and if you are not from the country, take your valid passport.
  •  Have a minimum income per month of $ 5,000.00 MN
  •  Be of legal age (18 years), and less than or equal to 74 years.
  •  Proof of your place of residence, no more than two months the electricity bill or the property tax.
  •  Have at least 1 year in your workplace.
  •  Do not have a negative credit record in the file of the Credit Bureau.
  •  Proof of your income from the last two payment receipts of your payroll account, of having any other credit card and account of your investments.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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