How much battery does Signal use?

If you wonder how much battery Signal uses , it is probably because you have decided to change your instant messaging app. There are many reasons why it is not advisable to continue using WhatsApp, and it is not only privacy problems, but also the high use of resources on your mobile, both data and battery.

Like Telegram, the Signal app has a significantly lower battery consumption than WhatsApp , this is due to the fact that the app is not constantly updating in the background and has a lower traffic of data sent and received, at least for now.

How much battery does WhatsApp use?

Why Signal uses less battery

The first reason is simple: we still don’t use it much . You have to be honest about the flow of messages that we share through Signal versus those that are still sent daily on WhatsApp; In the case of the latter, it can have an average daily consumption between 15% and 25% of a charge, which this can represent in a battery between 500 mAh and 800 mAh as the case may be.

When we look at the consumption of Signal, we see that in most of our phones we have a consumption that can barely reach 2% of the load and that, although the download of the app increased significantly, many of our contacts did not they have it yet or they do not use it and this is reflected in the use of mobile resources.

But if we do some accounts regarding the relationship data consumption – battery use, we could say that this app could consume in a normal time of use and as the main messaging app, just 8% to 10% of a charge , throughout the day sending messages, content and speaking in groups.

The truth is that there is an extensive list on the statistics sites about the apps that consume your battery and Signal for now is not one of them.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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