How easy it is to get essences for healing in ArcheAge

Easy Ways to Get Essences of Light

To equip a healer in ArcheAge, you will need a lot of Essence of Light for Ramian equipment . Not all heals are lucky with players who at least help to complete daily tasks. This guide lists easy ways to get essences, as well as monster farming builds that will allow you to defend against enemies in PvP.

Quests and monsters

The easiest way to farm daily. The screenshots show the points with tasks in the locations of the Primordial Continent. Everywhere you need to kill 50 monsters, except for the wasteland of Corvus. In the Iramian Ridge, essence can drop from each monster, and in other locations only from the Ramians (equipment drops on the Shining Coast).

  • Coast Patrol (Sparkling Coast). From level 50. Reward: 2 Common Sealed Essences of Light.
  • “Curse of the Solar Fields” (Solar Fields)and “Curse of the Abyss” (Abyss). From level 52. Reward: 2 Ordinary Sealed Essences of Light or 4 Ramian Scrolls of Awakening.
  • “Curse of the wasteland of Corvus” (wasteland of Corvus). From level 52. Reward: 4 Ordinary Sealed Essences of Light or 8 Ramian Scrolls of Awakening.
  • “Assistance to the Patrolmen”“Deal with the Agent” and “Cult of Nagshas” (Irami Range). From the 55th level. Reward: 3 Unusual Sealed Essences of Light or 7 Scrolls of Awakening the Ramian Warlock.

Builds and combos

I propose the next build for the stoic for farming monsters. It will help you quickly destroy mobs, as well as protect yourself from other players. And also the option with the Pilgrim, so that there is always an increased chance of a critical healing effect. Check out the combo in the Healing Specialization Guide .

During farming, actively use Glimmer of Light , Light and Dark, and Spears of Justice .

The gleam becomes stronger when the Enlightenment of the Mind and Triumph of Life stacks. The effect appears after using “Light and Dark” and “Continuous Healing” , as well as when using “Mass Heal” , but the skill is missing in the proposed builds.

The palm will be used frequently, so you won’t need to use at least one heart for stacks. This is due to the combo “Agility” (fire) and “Rebound” (death). The first skill will require at least Heroic Level 4, and the second will require Heroic Level 10.

Bouncing will allow you to jump forward (normal skill jumps back) and use your palm instantly. The effect of agility will reset every time you kill a monster, but you must be in time within 20 seconds.

Spears of Justice do a lot of damage. You can choose standard or fiery. They do almost the same damage. Note that there is a free gap in the middle of the standard ones, in which no damage is dealt. In parts of contact, you can deal double damage to the monster. Fire spears can be used on another monster if the first ones deal critical damage and kill the mob with one hit.

With Update 5.5 in May, there will be a Flare of Fire at Heroic Level 10. Deals 100% more damage to monsters. Allows you to kill each monster per second with a passive skill to reduce the time of skill use.


Craft Lunar Flask with the Ultimate Chef’s Cauldron, or buy from the Auction House. Infusion increases the drop chance by 60% for 30 minutes.

Materials for crafting cost an average of 9 gold coins, and at the auction they ask for 2 more coins. Sap is made from the fruits of trees, dust falls from chests, and akhium solution can be obtained for transporting goods from trading posts .


Completed quests count towards the progress of the achievement. For completing achievements, you can get a title and essences. For completing the 10 milestones of the Mythic Things achievement (Adventure -> Exploration), you can obtain 395 essences in 3 months.

  • 225 tasks. Reward: 30 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 250 tasks. Reward: 30 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 280 tasks. Reward: 35 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 310 tasks. Reward: 35 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 350 tasks. Reward: 40 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 390 tasks. Reward: 40 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 440 tasks. Reward: 45 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 490 tasks. Reward: 45 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 540 tasks. Reward: 45 Sealed Essences of Light.
  • 600 tasks. Reward: 50 Sealed Essences of Light.


Blood Legion

At 12:00 game time, the daytime rift begins. On the Peninsula of Shooting Stars and in Inistra, the army of the Blood Legion advances. A meeting is arranged half an hour in real time before the start. The raid can hold up to 100 players.

A rift also opens on the Sunfields at 18:00 game time, but more often strong guilds gather on it to destroy the raid boss Antallon .

First, you need to take three tasks from the Volunteer Recruiter (home of the regional community of the Peninsula of the Shooting Stars, Kaor Nord or Sunfields). Each is intended for a specific wave, but on the last one, monsters from the first and second waves appear.

End automatically after killing 20 monsters. As a reward, you will receive 6 Ordinary Sealed Essences or Chaos Essences for Dungeon Equipment. An additional 900 honor points .

Phantom Legion

Almost all of the same happens at 00:00 game time. The quest for the night rift is taken on the Shooting Stars Peninsula and in Inistra, which becomes available on the bulletin board at 20:00 game time. After that, cargoes appear at the forward outpost and in Riverguard, which need to be delivered to the event site.

Weights are needed to build a catapult. Harpoons become available with her. They deal with monsters faster, like in the movie “Ghostbusters”. The awards are the same.


The battlefield can be entered through the orange button at the bottom right of the screen.

Old fortress

The entrance opens daily from 11:00 to 04:00 for characters from level 40. You can enter for free 10 times a day. Each team consists of 5 to 10 players.

Teams need to destroy the enemy well or get more kills. Equipment rating is not taken into account. Equipment is selected at the very beginning of the game. The bases of the two teams are located opposite each other. Boxes and bags obstruct along the way. On the sides of the map are secret passages leading to bridges over the battlefield.

For victory, 3 ordinary sealed essences of light are given, and for defeat, one essence. And also copper dragons for the arena shop.

Battle of Duskshire

The arena opens for 4 hours from 16:00 to 20:00 and from 22:00 to 02:00 for characters from level 30. The number of entries is limited to twice a day.

Here the factions fight with their equipment. More often than not, the alliance of nations wins, but the ingenuity of the raid leader of the system faction can help destroy an enemy well and outwit strong opponents.

The task of the Nui Alliance and the Harni Alliance is to destroy the well. The pirates and the alliance of nations need to protect the wells of both factions, as well as gain more points to win. If the well is destroyed, the match will end.

Losing parties receive 3 Normal Sealed Essences. The winner is awarded seven essences. Additionally, honor points are awarded for merit and the result of the match.

Aquanite Ore

Aquanite ore is located at the bottom of the Nami River in the Irami ridge. It produces 8 useful items, one of which is the “Sealed Essence of Light” . Digging spends 20 work points . At the same time, the mining craft develops and the progress towards obtaining the title develops .

The calendar

Just play ArcheAge and collect your daily login gifts. In April, 10 essences of light were distributed.


by Abdullah Sam
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