How does the motor pulley work?

The crankshaft pulley is a fundamental component of the vehicle, a mechanical organ that consists of a disc that rotates around its own axis, keyed to one end of the crankshaft.

But how exactly does an engine pulley work ? What are the objectives that the correct functioning of this element of the vehicle has?

In this guide we will try to answer these and other questions, providing a quick and concise explanation of what the crankshaft pulley is , and why it is essential that its operation is correct.

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What is the motor pulley

How the crankshaft pulley works

When it is time to change the pulley

What is the motor pulley

As we have already partly anticipated, the crankshaft pulley is a mechanical organ that is composed of a disc that rotates around an axis . The pulley is generally made of cast iron, but also contains rubber elements, which serve to dampen the vibrations of the engine (its name is also that of “damper pulley”, precisely because of this function).

The rubber is composed of a rather particular compound, in order to give the pulley all the usability and durability characteristics that are required by this component. Its coupling with the metal of the pulley is prepared with great accuracy so that the right synergy between the various elements can be generated.

Further characteristics that are particularly important in order to correctly qualify the pulley are its extraordinary resistance to mechanical stress . Finally, the pulley is equipped with one or more grooves, in which a belt is inserted, which serves to transmit power to the accessory members.

How the crankshaft pulley works

Once we understand what the crankshaft pulley is and what it is made of, we can only take another small step forward and try to understand how this essential component in every car works.

To do this, it may well be remembered that by turning the pulley it transmits the motion of the crankshaft through the belt to the various service devices of the car, which in turn will be equipped with other pulleys. Think, for example, of the alternator, the air conditioning compressor or the coolant pump.

When it is time to change the pulley

From the above you should have understood that the correct functioning of the crankshaft pulley is essential in order to guarantee the correct functioning of the whole vehicle .

Precisely for this reason it is essential to try to understand when it is appropriate to replace the pulley, because it is no longer functioning properly and, therefore, able to jeopardize the sustainability of the entire vehicle.

Unfortunately for you, to understand when it is necessary to replace the crankshaft pulley, you will need the advice of a good mechanic, who can reliably estimate what the conditions of this part are, and if it is really necessary to replace it .

However, this does not mean that you cannot make a first diagnosis yourself. In fact, there are some perceptible signs that could suggest the presence of wear or failures.

For example, it may happen that you discover that the component in question needs to be changed because during the driving of the car you feel the “knocks” in succession. Or, it could be the case to change the pulley because, suddenly, the service devices that are connected to the pulley itself no longer work.

Unfortunately, the replacement of the crankshaft pulley is not easy, and must be done by a professional mechanic, with suitable tools. In any case, as you are probably already imagining, the replacement of the pulley will be only the last phase of a process that will begin with the analysis of the car, and the subsequent diagnosis on what to do.


by Abdullah Sam
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