How to calculate the truck tax

The trucks are vehicles intended for commercial use , with some features quite common and, above all, with the knowledge that all the passengers getting on board this vehicle should be closely related to the loading and unloading of the goods transported. In short, people who are unrelated to work cannot be transported in the truck, confirming the need to qualify the truck as a “work” vehicle.

Of course, trucks, like cars, must also be covered by a civil liability insurance policy in order to be able to circulate, and are subject to the payment of the road tax , regardless of the actual use that is made of this vehicle.

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How the truck tax is calculated

Truck insurance

Car or truck?

How to calculate the truck tax

The truck tax, or property tax, is calculated by taking the load capacity (load capacity) of the vehicle as a benchmark. On the other hand, for cars the parameter represented by the engine power is fundamental, with the amount that can also differ on the basis of the different pollution classes.

We remind you that superbolli are not subject to the payment of the so-called superbollo, that is the basic additional fee that adds 20 euros for each additional kw of power for vehicles over 250 horsepower (185 kilowatts).

Truck insurance

As we have already anticipated at the beginning of the in-depth analysis, trucks are subject to the payment of civil liability insurance.

However, there are some differences with respect to “traditional” motor liability , because the insurance premium will mainly depend on the capacity of the vehicle and not on its displacement. The management of one of the other fundamental elements of the insurance policy, the ceilings, is also different, given that the insurance for trucks protects the policyholder for a number of accidents determined over the 12 months (i.e., for the period of validity of the policy), regardless of the cost of the damage caused (but we still recommend that you check the conditions of the policy to be able to ascertain).

As regards the classes of merit, also in this case we notice some peculiarities compared to what is instead provided for the car segment. The class of merit is in fact linked only to the truck and not to the holder of the contract, with a specificity that is the result of the fact that normally the same vehicle is used by several drivers.

Furthermore, the application of the Bersani decree finds a more restricted application , which makes it possible to take advantage of the merit class of another person belonging to the same family unit, with a consequent advantage for the new insured. For trucks, in fact, only individual firms, physically registered to a holder of a VAT number, can use the facility, while the privilege is not used in the case of a vehicle belonging to a company.

Car or truck?

Finally, we conclude this in-depth study on the truck tax (but we also took the opportunity to talk about truck insurance!) Remembering that there is the possibility of registering certain types of cars as trucks, such as SUVs.

However, in order to do this, the result of the formula determined by “power in kw / (capacity – tare)” must not exceed 180.

We also remind you that the improper registration of a vehicle as a truck leads to heavy administrative penalties that are provided for by art. 82 of the Highway Code, and therefore to a pecuniary sanction ranging between 398 euros and 1,596 euros, in addition to the suspension of the registration certificate from one to six months, and from six months to a year in case of recidivism.

We hope that these brief ideas have been useful for you to improve your knowledge of an important topic such as that of the road tax. Of course, in order to know more or to be able to express more specific doubts about your position, we recommend that you consult the website of the Revenue Agency or send a specific request for clarification.


by Abdullah Sam
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