How does RAM work?

RAM is essentially a super-fast , high-speed storage that your computer and its applications use to store and access temporary data, it can be assimilated how a computer’s short-term memory works by storing common data that programs they are in constant use of, rather than storing the data on a much slower medium like a solid state hard drive (or SSD).

Although RAM does not automatically have data saved to each chip, it does have what is called volatile memory , or memory that is erased when power no longer flows through it. But, programs like browsers, Adobe Photoshop, and even Windows use RAM by entering their basic files at startup.

RAM Memory Types

Over the years, the speeds and capacity of the RAM have increased so much that the only way to adapt to these speeds was to build different motherboards. our way of computing has certainly changed, but almost all users would not have noticed anything different. The most modern type of RAM is DDR4, it is getting faster and faster, this includes the new annual improvements that Microsoft makes in its computers.

Speed ​​type works in tandem with type as older types of RAM are only made to reach a certain speed although extracting data from RAM is miles faster than extracting data from a hard drive, each type of RAM it still has certain “speed limits,” which are measured in megahertz (Mhz). This speed allows data to come in and out even faster

Some motherboards even have technical limitations to what type of RAM speed it can handle, this can be for a number of reasons such as to avoid overheating, or simply putting the firmware on the motherboards does not support it, it has a similar resemblance to those RAM memories of cell phones , which work in the same way.

If you buy a 1833mhz RAM for your computer, but the motherboard spec says that it can only accept 1333mhz RAM or lower, it will throttle to 1333mhz. Essentially, you are slowing down the stick to match the speed limit imposed by the motherboard.

This can also happen with mixing high speed RAM with low speed RAM , the system needs uniformity so it will burn your card faster to meet this need. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance, before buying a module in the PC, the limits and the maximum RAM that our motherboard supports .

How does RAM work?

RAM is a type of storage that stores information using electricity (information being data or machine code instructions), how the data is actually stored varies depending on the type of RAM. In DRAM, memory is stored in an intelligent arrangement of logic gates called a flip-flop that can have its output current turned on and off.

In simple terms, RAM is to disk memory like pockets in a backpack that when the user goes in the normal way that he does the work (processing) he keeps the things frequently needed to the computer in his pocket and the remaining things in his backpack. The reason why it does this is that you can access your free boxes with less time as opposed to opening the backpack and taking things out of it.

According to the analogy, the ram memory uses temporarily in what would be the memory board, it searches quickly and stores it to in this way give rise to application processes, normally related, that occupy a lot of computer consumption, that is, usually Google Chrome or background applications require it.

The computer does the same with the memory, it has everything it needs in the disk space, however to access that memory it takes too long, so it keeps the most frequently used data in the RAM memory that is built using a transistor and a capacitor connected in a matrix of lines of words and bits, since it is faster to access compared to the unit that is a rotating physical disk which also takes an installation .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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