Hiziki seaweed

Hiziki . Seaweed with culinary, nutritional and beneficial properties for the body. It is found in the Asian Sea, its scientific name is Hizikia fusiforme.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Hiziki in the kitchen
  • 3 Hiziki and health
  • 4 Properties
  • 5 Nutritional information (per 100 g.)
  • 6 Internal links
  • 7 Sources


This seaweed has a very delicious and particular flavor, which is frequently used in various restaurants and kitchens around the world for the preparation of sauces, soups and many dishes. It is the favorite of many people and day by day it develops broader market niches that allow it to spread easily in various populations and places.

Hiziki algae is also being exploited for its medical properties, as experts have investigated its components and after doing experiments and investigations, they have discovered many advantages and benefits that the algae offers to humans. These are some of its virtues:

  • Fight aging.
  • Fight osteoporosis.
  • Prevention of anemia.
  • It favors the natural elimination of toxins.

All these benefits are possible thanks to the high concentrations of protein, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals, not to mention the content of vitamin B, trace elements and beta-carotene. Beta carotene for those who do not know is an antioxidant that is present in fruits and vegetables and helps keep the body young and strong thanks to its level of vitamin A.

And the benefits and virtues of this algae do not end there, as hiziki algae has been found to adequately balance blood glucose. Its high calcium concentration also allows us to combat osteoporosis, a condition in the bone system.

Bones require calcium to not nourish themselves and not to break, and although many factors have been discussed to combat it, including milk, hiziki algae has been found to be richer in calcium than dairy products, and therefore Its components not only benefit the bone system but also the lymphatic, circulatory and others.

Hiziki in the kitchen

To cook and prepare delicious dishes with the hiziki seaweed, you must be careful and careful as this plant requires more care than others; If you exceed the cooking time or add an extra ingredient, it may affect its taste or worse still alter its nutritional properties.

They can be taken in soups, sautéed vegetables and whenever we are looking for a food that has a contrast of flavor (croquettes, vegetable fillings, cannelloni, dumplings, sauces, etc.) It must be borne in mind that after soaking the algae Hiziki grow up to almost five times in size.

When you buy hiziki seaweed in a market, it is best to give it a basic cooking process and store it in a glass container in the fridge for no more than 4 or 5 days. With this, it will retain its texture, flavor, consistency and most importantly: its nutritional properties.

Hiziki and health

In Hiziki algae we find one of the richest sources of minerals and trace elements that balance the nervous system and purify the blood sugar level. It is especially rich in calcium (much more than milk) which makes it very suitable in case of osteoporosis or bone weakness. They give beauty to the skin, shine, strength and elasticity to the hair and strengthen the nails. Hiziki is one of the algae that requires more care and dedication when cooking, but its properties make it worthwhile. We can even do basic cooking and store it in the fridge in a glass jar for 4-5 days. As it is not enough to soak it, we must have its basic cooking by hand.

Basic cooking:

  • Soaking: During the soaking we have to take into account that the hiziki seaweed swells considerably increasing its volume five times. Place the dried seaweed in a bowl, cover it with cold water and stir. Drain. Repeat this operation about 3 times to clean the seaweed well. Once clean, cover the seaweed again with water and leave it to soak for 20-30 ‘. Throw away the soaking water (normally it is not used because it has a very strong flavor) .
  • Cooking: Place the soaked seaweed in a saucepan and cover it with water (it would be preferable if it were not from the tap). Bring to bustle. Cover over low heat and let cook until the liquid has evaporated (approx. 35 ‘). When the seaweed is already cooked (not before!) We add a little soy sauce and we will have it ready.


  • They have a great remineralizing effect, being highly indicated in case of convalescence, pregnancy, stages of growth or simply when we are looking for a good supply of calcium and other minerals (also in case of osteoporosis).
  • In Japan, hiziki algae are famous as an anti-aging treatment since, in addition to being purifying, they are very convenient for strengthening bones, nails and hair.
  • Antianemic for its easily assimilable iron supply.
  • Ideal in cases of hypothyroidism thanks to its iodine content (consult a doctor or specialist if you are taking thyroid medication).
  • Hiziki algae can help lose weight when we have a slow metabolism.

Nutritional information (per 100 g.)

  • Protein 5-10%.
  • Calcium 1,400 mg.
  • Iodine 40 mg.
  • Iron 29 mg.
  • Potassium 4,000 mg.
  • Beta carotene 150 IU

Hiziki algae also provide B vitamins, phosphorous and trace elements.


by Abdullah Sam
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