Guckling in the abdomen – causes, treatment and home remedies

Whether it is gurgling in the belly, grumbling, bubbling or growling – it is completely normal for the stomach and intestines to make noise. If these occur more frequently than usual and intensified and / or other symptoms appear, the abdominal gurgling can also be an indication of diseases of the digestive organs.

Table of Contents

  • How do gastric and intestinal noises occur?
  • Going to the doctor with a guckle in your stomach?
  • Chuckling in the stomach – causes
    • Gastrointestinal infections
    • Food intolerance
    • Irritable bowel
    • Malabsorption
    • Colon cancer
  • Treatment for gurgling in the abdomen
  • What you can do yourself
  • Home remedies for gurgling in the abdomen
  • Summary

How do gastric and intestinal noises occur?

The gastrointestinal tract is a kind of tube that transports the chyme through sagging and contracting. This is called “peristalsis” in the technical language. Both gas and liquid are involved in this process, resulting in noises such as gurgling, bubbling or grumbling. This is usually completely normal. As soon as the digestion has started, there are noises that are normally not heard from outside.

Liquid and gases in the gastrointestinal tract are responsible for the gurgling in the stomach. (Image: ag visuell /

The small intestine in particular works around the clock. If nothing is being digested, the intestine cleans itself. This is colloquially referred to as “stomach growl”. From the small intestine, food reaches the large intestine. This processes the chyme with the healthy intestinal bacteria. This also does not run without noise. A chuckle can be heard, which gets louder the more air there is.

But the air is also something completely normal. We take this into account when eating and drinking – and the faster we eat, the more so. Even more air or gas is created when fiber-rich food gets into the intestine. Chyme meets air and this makes the stomach or intestinal noise.

Going to the doctor with a guckle in your stomach?

As mentioned earlier, stomach and bowel sounds are something completely normal and important. However, if the gurgling is unusually loud and / or occurs very frequently, the cause should be investigated. After an anamnesis, the doctor will listen to the intestine with a stethoscope (auscultation) and may order further examinations (see “Treatment for gucklings in the abdomen”).

Chuckling in the stomach – causes

The causes of loud gurgling and other noises in the stomach and intestines are diverse. They can be related to the diet, but also indicate an illness. Possible diseases that can be considered here are:

  • Gastrointestinal infections,
  • Food intolerance,
  • Irritable bowel,
  • Malabsorption
  • and worst case colon cancer.

With the causes mentioned, other symptoms usually appear. In the following sections, you will find out what the specific signs of the disease are.

Gastrointestinal infections

Gastrointestinal infections are associated with:

  • Diarrhea,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Abdominal pain,
  • fever
  • and sometimes with loud gurgling in the stomach.

Lactose intolerance can be the reason for pronounced abdominal noises. Those affected only tolerate small amounts of milk sugar. (Image: yavdat /

Food intolerance

Food intolerances, such as intolerance to milk sugar (lactose intolerance), lead to loud intestinal noises due to strong gas formation in the intestine. In addition – depending on the severity – there is diarrhea, constipation , intestinal cramps, headache and nausea.

In the case of lactose intolerance, those affected suffer from a lack of the enzyme lactase, which is said to break down the milk sugar in the body. As a result, bacteria produce gas and acids in the intestine, which can lead to the symptoms mentioned or to a gurgling in the stomach.

Irritable bowel

The so-called irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the intestine, which means that this is a disease with no proven organic cause. It is also known as a so-called exclusion diagnosis. However, the complaints associated with this are no less burdensome. This includes:

  • Diarrheaor constipation ,
  • Abdominal pain,
  • frequent urge to stool,
  • vegetative overstimulation,
  • Feeling of fullness
  • and gurgling in the stomach.


“Malabsorption” is a digestive disorder in which only the absorption of the pre-digested food components is disturbed. The reason for this is damage to the intestinal surface. The body cannot absorb the food components sufficiently, which leads to deficiency symptoms in the long run. Typical symptoms are:

  • Stomach pain,
  • Flatulence,
  • malodorous chair,
  • Weight loss,
  • Tiredness,
  • Performance reduction,
  • Diarrhea,
  • soft or watery stool
  • and stomach or bowel sounds.

Diseases that can be associated with malabsorption include chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.

If, in addition to gurgling in the abdomen, other symptoms such as severe diarrhea appear, there may be a gastrointestinal infection. (Image: Goffkein /

Colon cancer

A slight gurgling in the stomach is, as already mentioned, usually harmless and completely fine. Unfortunately, in the worst case, this can also occur in connection with colon cancer . However, there are other symptoms associated with this clinical picture. Colon cancer, like most cancers, does not cause acute symptoms in the early stages, but there are certain signs and warning signs. These include:

  • Alternation of constipation and diarrhea,
  • visible blood in the stoolor mucus,
  • Pencil chair(due to narrowing),
  • malodorous chair,
  • Painful bowel movements,
  • frequent cramping abdominal pain
  • and recurring loud bowel sounds and bloating.

All of this does not have to mean anything serious – however, you should consult a doctor promptly for the symptoms mentioned to have them medically clarified.

Treatment for gurgling in the abdomen

Depending on the causal disease associated with gurgling in the abdomen, treatment is the first priority. The diagnosis is made with the help of various examinations. After a detailed medical history, the doctor listens to the stomach. This is usually followed by gastrointestinal and colonoscopy .

Imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be necessary. A blood test also reveals signs of inflammation. For example, if there is a suspicion of lactose or fructose intolerance, a breath gas analysis is carried out together with a blood sugar test.

What you can do yourself

Harmless gurgling in the stomach, which has no organic cause, is harmless, but quite annoying for many sufferers. You are in a meeting or in a place where there is complete calm and suddenly this is disturbed by the loud gurgling of your stomach – how uncomfortable. Although this is absolutely natural and you really can’t do anything about it at this moment. Maybe the following tips will help you so that such an embarrassing moment does not happen again.

Eating slowly and chewing consciously is essential. The slower you eat, the less air you swallow. And, as already described, too much can lead to bloating and gurgling in the stomach. Nutrition is also important. Bloating may not be tolerated so well. Avoid bloating foods if you want to prevent uncomfortable stomach and bowel sounds. These include:

  • Onions, garlic, cabbage, mushrooms, beans, lentils,
  • unripe fruit, figs and berries,
  • freshly baked bread and wholemeal bread,
  • fatty cheese and whole milk,
  • fried potato products,
  • oily fish and oily sausages,

If you want to avoid unpleasant stomach and intestinal noises, you should avoid flatulent foods such as cabbage and fatty sausages. (Image: photocrew /

Eating a bowl of lettuce in the evening can force the intestines to perform at their best and lead to fermentation. These, in turn, can be felt with intestinal sounds and bloated stomach . In addition, the liver has to process the fermentation substances, so it gets additional work.

Vegetables in the evening are best blanched or (as is common in the south) fried in a little oil. Alcohol and fruit juices should also be avoided. It’s best to drink herbal tea and still water. Sweeteners, which are often found in drinks, can also upset the digestion. Be careful not to irritate your stomach – have a bite to eat in the morning before taking your first sip of coffee. Avoid cold drinks.

Chewing gum is also harmful to the stomach. When chewing, more air is swallowed and the increased saliva production stimulates the stomach to peristalsis. All of this can cause noise.

Home remedies for gurgling in the abdomen

If you suffer from flatulence in addition to gurgling, fennel tea can provide relief. Or a combination of fennel , coriander , caraway and anise.

These four seeds can be mixed in equal parts in the pharmacy or a good herbal house and lightly toasted. For a large cup you need a teaspoon full and boil it with boiling water. The tea is ready after eight to ten minutes. It is best to drink a cup in small sips three times a day after meals.

Another home remedy is peppermint essential oil or caraway oil. A few drops of it, mixed with a little almond or olive oil , serve as massage oil. The stomach is massaged clockwise – this relaxes the intestine and relieves the gurgling. What is equally good is warmth in the form of a hot water bottle, a cherry stone pillow or a spelled sachet. Exercise regularly, which also helps to improve digestion and reduce bowel noise.

From the field of Schüßler salts , salt number seven (Magnesium phosphoricum) is often recommended because it is said to have a relaxing effect on cramps and colic in the hollow organs (intestine, stomach, bladder, gallbladder). If you want to try the salt, you can do this in the form of the so-called hot seven. To do this, put 10 tablets of Schüssler Salt No. 7 in a large cup and pour this with boiled water. Then the drink is stirred with a plastic spoon and drunk in sips as hot as possible.


In summary, it can be said that a gurgling in the abdomen, which is very loud and annoying and may be accompanied by other symptoms, should be clarified by the doctor. There may be a disease that has not yet been discovered but needs treatment


by Abdullah Sam
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