A good follow up brings much better results than you think

It is always very important to do what we know within the sales language as a follow up, that is, it is about monitoring business processes with the customer.

More than having an efficient after-sales service on hand, it guarantees a real follow-up of customers at all stages of their purchase journey, from the moment they became just a lead, during closing, on delivery and also in the later relationship with him.

The best way to sell is to make sure that customers do not see their sales representatives as simply salespeople of products and services, but that they see them as consultants who lead them to the best solution, clarify the necessary doubts at all times and that the help solve problems.

In this sense, making a good sales follow up creates and sustains a trusting relationship between your company and your customers. The power of this type of strategy is really delivering results that bring customer loyalty and new business opportunities in the best possible way.

A follow up done responsibly generates:

  • Increase in sales due to high customer satisfaction.
  • Increase in customer retention
  • Authority cases are important for market confidence
  • Improves organizational and strategic performance
  • Approaching customer needs and problems to innovate
  • Market differential that turns into a selling point

Follow customer up to where?

Of course, we need to understand that this is a systematic process and that it can start from the first expression of interest from the client. It is not enough to send a commercial sales proposal.

You need to follow all the way your prospect is going to do. A job like this brings tools and guides salespeople on aligning values ​​and proposals. In spite of that, the follow up has to happen beyond the duration of the purchase cycle, it is necessary to extend it until the post-sales.

An efficient way to also do a good follow up is to create ways to validate how the product or service purchased by the customer is working in their reality and how it can fully meet the expectations of the moment of purchase.

There is no way to follow up without data

To ensure that I have a successful follow up, it is necessary to follow every trace of the commercial operation. For this to be done in the best possible way, it is necessary to use a CRM.

A management system with customers is the greatest strength when making more sales, not only because it is important in the process of tracking, but also because it generates enough data to store all the data of leads and customers in an organized and integrated manner.

The ease in understanding how the client wants to be treated makes it easy to understand the appropriate approach at all stages of the process. Knowing well the pains, intentions, expectations of the client, helps your team to approach clients at the right time.

The right timing is critical

Having an agile and clear strategy when dealing with customers ends up leaving commercial teams always one step ahead of the others.

A good part of the competitive intelligence you can bring to your team is to arrive at the right time when the customer needs it, to be able to identify fundamental data and to create planning and strategies that will lead you the fastest to the ideal sales proposal.

And even after the purposeful business conversation, it is always recommended not to waste time in contacting the customer to learn about the analysis of the proposal.

What is management missing? Don’t rely on your ability to do this yourself, with Moskit CRM, you just gain new opportunities that your memory didn’t remember. The sale is in the details and you know it.  

How can I do a really good follow up?

Of course, in order to have a good relationship with customers, you need to have generated and recorded data about them.

Organizing information about your interested contacts is the first step so that in the future you have an opportunity to make a new interaction with him and sell more.

Documenting everything your customer brings with them and generating business intelligence, thereby simplifying their day-to-day tasks and giving you the ability to carry out more effective monitoring.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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