Why Windows 7 is better than Windows 10

Despite the fact that today Windows 10 takes the leading position as the most used operating system for desktops and laptops, there are a number of reasons why many users consider it worse than Windows 7, which was released back in 2009. And this is far from groundless. Below will be set out the reasons why the “Ten” did not become (according to users) the best OS from the entire Windows family.

READ ALSO:  Windows 10 vs Windows 8 and 8.1: Which Operating System is the Best?

Reasons why Windows 7 is considered better than Windows 10

Reason # 1 – the imposition of a new OS.Since its launch in 2015, Windows 10 has rapidly gained popularity among PC users. Its growth was the fastest among all operating systems of the Windows family. This happened due to the active (one might even say aggressive) policy of promoting its new OS by Microsoft. All users of versions 7, 8 and 8.1, along with updates, received an offer to upgrade to a new and improved Windows 10. Moreover, this notification appeared quite often and many inexperienced users had the impression that “the computer will not advise bad” and still need to give their consent to update. This led to rather curious cases, when on a weak laptop with an old single-core processor, 1 GB of RAM and a slow SATA II hard drive, a “new and fast” Ten was perched. which, by its mere presence, paralyzed the work of the computer. Everything was trite and simple: the old PCs did not meet the minimum system requirements of Windows 10.

IMPORTANT! In reality, for normal operation of Windows 10, an SSD is required as a drive. The system accesses the disk too often and most HDDs simply do not have time to respond in time. Because of this, the system is constantly “dumb”.

The minimum system requirements were already deliberately lowered in order for more people to install and start using the new operating system, and Microsoft proudly reported on the meteoric rise of its new product.

The second stage was the widespread transition of manufacturers to Windows 10. For the new hardware, drivers for Windows XP and Windows 7 were simply not released. Later, Windows 8 and 8.1 gradually disappeared from the list of supported operating systems. When buying new hardware, you MUST install the Top Ten, since you are not given a choice.

In the segment of budget laptops and ultra-compact desktop PCs, sometimes absurdity happened at all – the computer was sold in a complete set with 2 GB of RAM, and the manufacturer’s website had only drivers for a 64-bit system. As a result, Windows 10 “idling” consumed 1.3 – 1.5 GB of RAM. Attention, question: how much was left for the user to work?

Reason # 2 – performance.As mentioned above, for a full-fledged operation without the brakes of Windows 10, it is an SSD that is needed as a drive. The problem is that Ten very often reads or writes something to a disk or feeds on sending data via the Internet somewhere to Microsoft servers. Moreover, all these reassurances and protections in reality do not protect the user from ransomware viruses, miners and Trojans. Programmers who write such virus software are not at all stupid to be caught stupidly. No Windows Defender or Smart Screen filter will save an inexperienced user if he personally, having administrator rights, gives permission to change files to some suspicious program downloaded from the Internet. There is practically no protection. Now look

It is a standard 10-decimal anti-virus service that is supposed to detect and neutralize virus threats. It constantly rummages through the contents of the hard disk, which greatly loads the disk itself and the central processor. It can only be disabled if you install some other antivirus (for example Avast, ESET NOD, 360 Total Security, etc.).

Summing up the performance, we can say that with an identical hardware configuration, Windows 10 will run slower than Windows 7, without giving the average user any benefit in return. And for faster operation, the Ten will need newer hardware, the manufacturers of which, of course, provide drivers exclusively for Windows 10 x64. How convenient! You don’t even need to think about which operating system to install, everything has already been decided for us. Don’t you think that the lack of software for the rest of the operating systems and the active promotion of the dozen are somehow connected?

Reason # 3 – interface and standard software. Since the days of Windows 8, Microsoft has conceived a unified GUI standard for desktop and mobile platforms. Tiles, large decals, buttons and sliders were introduced – all to make it easier to operate with a finger rather than a mouse.

In the future, Windows was also supposed to become a common system for desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. The plan failed. PCs and tablets remained on the standard version of Windows. And the direction of smartphones was content with a cut-down Windows Mobile, which still crawled to the current tenth version in 2015, and even simultaneously with the desktop version. But, due to the scarcity of assortment, weak distribution and, in fact, the absence of software from third-party developers, it did not gain popularity, and was ousted from the market by Android and iOS. According to w3schools.com, Windows Mobile accounts for only 0.5% of devices worldwide. Whereas Android and iOS account for 86% and 12%, respectively.

Revised Start menu and new settings windows.

It is worth noting that the newly drawn windows simply duplicate the old ones. For example, “Windows Settings” is the same “Control Panel” that you still have to try to get to.

Some of the settings are hidden so far that you have to puzzle your head and take the time to find them. In many cases, when opening more serious settings, we see the same interface of the Seven.

Evidence that the simplistic tiled touch interface was a mistake is evidenced by the gradual return to basics. The desktop and start menu now look almost the same as in Windows 7.

Context menu style is a hell of a mess. Some remained from the Seven, some from the Eight and Ten, and there are even copies vaguely similar to Windows 98 …

The standard Windows 10 applications deserve a separate mention. Photos, Movies & TV, Mail, Maps, Groove Music – everything is awfully slow to start and works worse than counterparts from third-party developers. The most annoying thing is that the “Windows Photo Viewer” was removed, in which you could flip through images with the “left” and “right” keys on the keyboard. The new Photos app doesn’t have this option.

Reason # 4 – forced updates. When installing Windows 7, you will be asked the question: “Do you want to receive updates?” If you refuse, that’s it. The operating system will no longer pester with notifications about the urgent need to install the very important hundredth security update. Updates can be disabled completely!

Windows 10 will never let you completely disable your updates. Unless only by editing the registry and tweakers from third-party developers.

Using standard update tools, you can pause (for a little over a month), change the activity time (during this period, Windows will not try to restart the computer), prohibit downloading update files via metered connections, but completely disable it – it will not work!

It’s a lot of fun when you have a talk or an important presentation right now, and Windows 10 has decided to update urgently. Or when you need to quickly turn off the computer, disconnect everything in the office and leave immediately.

And also the lion’s share of the “pleasure” is delivered by the window with a request to reboot, which threw you out of full-screen mode during a video conference or at a tense moment in some online game.

Reason # 5 – bugs. In August 2020, the Windows 10 operating system turned 5 years old. It would seem that in such a long time it is possible to bring the system to an ideal state. However, despite all the fixes that the system downloads almost every week, the Ten stubbornly continues to issue blue screens of death.

After the next update, your sound or wi-fi may “fall off”. And if you’re unlucky, the OS will stubbornly refuse to recognize the video driver that the manufacturer has posted on its website, and only for Windows 10.

As you can see, there are many pros and cons. The choice is always up to the user.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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