From Reader to Writer: How Immersing Yourself in Books Enhances Your Writing Skills

Have you ever wanted to be a writer? Do you read books? Well, we would say that you are halfway there. Because better readers make better writers. Most readers, at some point, have thought of starting to write. The good news is that you don’t need to take any college courses to learn how to write. You could glean all skills from the books you read.

And we are writing this article to show you how. We will show you how books help you become a better writer. Another way is to get help on papers from professionals from for your reference.

So, read on to learn more.

Ø  You Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Maybe you thought these skills were only good in the employment sector. But they are also good for writers. Because you often have to ask yourself how your writing serves your purposes. Sowhen you are reading, you find yourself discounting a book and picking up another that you enjoy. The reason is that you questioned the writing in the first book.

Why? Was it the style? Was it the characters? In your writing, these reflections will help you develop a story that you enjoy writing and will probably captivate your reader.

Ø  You Learn a Variety of Writing Styles

Furthermore, reading will expose you to different writing styles. If you have read several books spread over a while, you will notice that each one was different. And maybe you now read a book froma particular genre.

What you are connecting with is the author’s way of writing. Some are funny, some are packed with adrenaline, while others are full of historical anecdotes. Each book teaches you something about writing styles that you can apply in your writing.

Ø  You Learn To See Grammar in Context

Ever had an instance where you knew the meaning of a word based on its context? Or how to structure a sentence because you saw it’s done that way? If you are not aware already, reading has trained you to see grammar in usage rather than just studying about it. When you start writing, these lessons are going to come in handy.

Authors excel in communicating their message because they have a wide understanding of grammar. So next time you pick up a book, study how the author uses grammar, and you will never have to read a formal grammar book.

Ø  You Expand Your Vocabulary

There is always a word that can be used in replacement of another word. Sometimes, this word sounds more interesting. Authors have perfected the art of word choice to add glamour and intrigue to their books.  For your writing, study the ways they string together words and the turns or phrases. Memorize them and make a habit of using them in your writing.

Ø  You Improve Your Memory and Cognitive Function

Reading has been shown to benefit people with better memory and cognitive skills. In fact, reading is considered to exercise the brain. You will notice a better recall of events and words and even better math skills. Not only will you write better, but your overall life will be benefited by reading.

Ø  You Get New Ideas

Finally, reading exposes you to a myriad of ideas. These will help you write. By simply having a set reading culture, you expose yourself to new ideas and styles that will enable you to write more and better. Most authors have a scheduled time for reading in addition to writing and editing their books.

What’s more, reading may help you deal with writer’s block. Every writer will suffer from this from time to time. But if you read whenever you can write, you may get your brain running again.

Summing Up

You are an avid reader, prepare to be a great writer. With the tips we have provided above, that will be an easy journey. We hope that you benefit from this article.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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