Fortnite: where to find all XP coins from Week 4

Season 4 of Fortnite is not leaving anyone indifferent and the challenges of the Battle Pass are accumulating . You can get all the available Marvel emotes or visit the Collector’s museum where you will have to destroy its exhibitors in a Week 4 challenge. But if you have already done all this, rest assured that there is still much more content. If you are a regular player of the battle royale, you will also know that there are a series of hidden coins throughout the map . This item is called XP Coins and it grants experience points based on its rarity to its owner. So that you do not go crazy looking, we will tell you where all the XP coins from Week 4 are .

Where to find all XP coins from Week 4

There are 4 different types of XP coins that differ in color and have various peculiarities. They are scattered throughout the Fortnite map, but each week they change location . These game elements generate a specific sound when we approach them, which can be a great help to find them. Coins are undoubtedly an incentive for players who can get an excellent experience bonus in the game.

To benefit from this prize, you just have to go over the coins , you will collect them automatically and the experience points will be added instantly. Here’s the exact location of all XP Coins from Week 4.

Exact location of Week 4 XP coins.

Purple XP Coin

  1. On a hill northwest of Burning Sands.
  2. On a small island south of Sticky Swamp.
  • Reward: 8,500 experience points for 10 coin shardsand 1,800 extra experience points for collecting all shards.

Green XP Coin

  1. On the top floor of the tower on the west side of Coral Castle.
  2. On the cliff near the coast to the southwest of Campo Calígine.
  3. On top of a mountain east of Rincón Rencoroso.
  4. Behind large rocks on the island northeast of Angry Piles.
  • Reward: they are the most common coins and give 5,000 experience points.

Blue XP Coin

  1. Break the wooden shelf with some potted plants on the lower floor of Lockie’s Lighthouse.
  2. Break a cabinet with two canoes on the ground floor of the building in Lago Canoa.
  3. Break the metal bookshelf inside a room with a cobweb near the top of The Authority.
  • Reward: hidden inside objects to be broken, they grant 6,500 experience points.

Gold XP Coin

  1. On the top floor of the building at the southern end of Stark Industries.
  • Reward: each gold coin grants 15,000 experience points, but they are very rare.

As you can see, they are very specific places where you will find all this experience. Since the beginning of the season, Fortnite is adding many updates for players to complete weekly challenges. Some of the most prominent have to do with plots of Marvel characters , with whom he is collaborating. Version 14.20 of the game will be coming soon with which Epic Games will eliminate many bugs .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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