Fortnite Survivors Guide

Find out all the Fortnite Survivors in this guide.

Survivors are an interesting mechanic in Fortnite and you’ll want to find each one of them. They will be needed not only to complete a large game task, but they will also be able to transform your heroes and other team members, but we will talk about this later. In this article, I’ll show you how to find survivors in Fortnite and how to start saving those people.

Check your minimap

If the construction of the building with the Radar is completed or you get close to the survivors, they will appear on your minimap in the form of a blue humanoid. When this happens, then look around and then you will have no problem finding them. It may take a little time to figure out what level they are at, but once you find them, you will receive your reward.

Hear their calls

The second way to find survivors in the wild is to listen to their screams. They often ask for help, and you can hear them if you are nearby. If at this time you communicate with friends via voice chat, then I advise you to turn on subtitles, then your chances of finding characters will increase. If you cannot understand where the survivor is, then I advise you to destroy the adjacent walls or floors. It may happen that the survivor is in a secret room.

In most cases, the survivors hide behind shelters of resources, cans and other things. If you see these items on the map, then know that the survivor is nearby. The best places to look are corner buildings and sewers.

Why are survivors so important?

When you first start playing Fortnite , it may seem to you that the lives of the survivors are not so important and you can not save them. Not only are the rewards meager, so they also will not do anything in the future. From the very beginning, they really do nothing, but in the future you can unlock the ability to transform your heroes. You can read about this in another article, but basically transformation allows you to make your character much stronger and provides many options for further improvement in the future.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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