Five exercises to do as a couple

According to some studies, 7 out of 10 Spaniards admits not exercising enough when they are in a relationship. “Many times the routine is beyond us and when we have a free time we end up prioritizing being with the couple instead of exercising. However, being accompanied by physical activity increases exercise intensity and motivation and, if done with your partner, the benefits are even greater ”, explains Felipe Isidro, head of the Physical Activity Area of ​​the PronoKal Group®.

Ensures that exercising with the person you love is a good option to spend more time together and end the monotony, helping to maintain good rapport in the relationship. In addition, the fact of achieving a goal together increases the motivation of each member of the couple and the feeling of well-being that each one achieves by releasing endorphins. All this can help to avoid conflicts in the relationship, because you are much more relaxed, and an improvement in sexual life is also favored, since, thanks to the better physical capacity, the sexual capacity of both members of the couple tends to increase.

For this reason, the PronoKal Group® propose the following exercises, starting with squats:

How are they made?

In pairs, you hold hands, and you do squats going down as much as possible.

What muscles do you work on?




Strengthens the bones, ligaments and tendons of the legs and hips.

What physical benefit does it bring?

It is an excellent exercise to tone and define legs and buttocks, by integrating a power movement, and thus giving them strength. In addition, they serve to reinforce balance and prevent bad posture. With this exercise, greater flexibility is also developed around the hips and, due to its intensity, it favors the burning of calories not only when it is done, but also during the following 24 hours.

In addition, in men, this type of exercise that moves large muscle groups improves the hormonal profile, increasing strength and promoting greater sexual desire.


by Abdullah Sam
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