How to fight the aphid: How to avoid it and how to eliminate it

In today’s article, we will comment on how to combat the aphid of our precious plants; First we will begin by defining what this little insect is.

The aphid is an insect considered a pest in the middle of the garden , since its way of attacking plants is extremely dangerous for them by subtracting them from life.

Next we will review the complete information on the different types of aphids, the ways to eliminate them, their climatic conditions and another variety of data that will facilitate a broad knowledge of one of the pests that provides irreparable damage to the plants, giving rise to The death of it.

Types of aphids and their general characteristics

Aphids are a plague that by its way of feeding assassinates diverse plants; This insect is commonly housed in young plants, absorbing the sap contained therein from weak stems, which transmits enough nutrients to all the branches it possesses.

In this section, the various types of aphids that exist in gardening will be detailed .

Cotton aphid

This type of aphid has two types of names, can be found as aphid of melon or cotton, it feeds on various types of plants, but more than all those that are agricultural such as: zucchini, cucumber, watermelon and the pumpkin.

These four types of plants are striking in appearance and can sometimes be regarded as vines or tall stems. This aphid also attacks the plant and each leaf or weak stalk that is growing until it no longer receives nutrients and slowly dies.

Tomato aphid

As the name implies, it is a pest that has fixed its attack on fruits such as tomatoes, where it must be in its tender phase so that the insect permanently infects the fruit making it impossible to consume.

Broom aphid

The broom is a type of shrub that the aphid constantly attacks due to its temperature conditions and its great nutrients that it can find in the branches of the plant.

By the name of the bush, the plague was called broom aphid.

Legume aphid

Legumes are seeds extracted from various plants, such as lentils, beans, soybeans, peanuts or peanuts, among others. This type of plant is attacked by pulses of legumes or legumes.

It is worth mentioning that there are other types of aphids , but they all share the same type of action against plants.

In addition to having different appearances, which can lead to confuse us if we have aphids or not in our garden, for this reason the most present signs will be the black ants in our garden.

Aphids attack characteristics

Despite the existence of different species of aphids , their same function remains.

Next, the characteristics that they have in their attack against the plants or their union with the black ants in the orchards or plantations will be highlighted.

  1. All aphidpests  are infectious , that is, they not only affect the plant by absorbing the sap of the plant but also have the power to store in their bodies the remains of viruses obtained by those plants that are sick, for this reason many others plants that are healthy are contaminated since aphids bite the stem or leaf ends up transmitting all those batteries that will cause disease in the plant.
  2. As you have mentioned sometimes, the aphidstend to attack anything that is considered weak in a plant in this serious case fruit growing or outbreaks considered, weak stems that allow the entry of tongs the mouths of this plague and the leaves.
  3. The aphidssecrete a kind of baba or syrupy liquid at the time they are feeding on plants, as if announcing other insects what their territory. But the consequences of this type of liquid is the appearance of the so-called black ants, which become companions of this insect since their segregations are quite sweet, attracting ants quickly leading plants to a faster and safer death. . The pact that occurs between these two species becomes very simple, the ants eliminate any type of predator that can eliminate the aphid as long as they continue to produce the so-called molasses.
  4. On some occasions the aphidssecrete a fungus in the leaves that is called bold , which causes a very strong damage to the plants since it causes that the photosynthesis cannot take place in them, causing that the same do not carry out their natural process damaging them of inside out.

Conditions under which the aphid appears or recreates

The aphid has certain tendencies to live with plants , that is, they have an attraction for certain climates or products that can lead them to quickly approach the orchards.

In this section we will explain the conditions by which these insects are attracted.

  • There are two seasons in which the aphid is always prone to reproduce in large quantities, such as summer or spring, where high temperatures are its best time and time to be many.
  • The aphid is also attracted to fertilizers, since it has all those ingredients and nutrients that plants absorb to grow healthily.

It is always important to take into account the seasons and the quantity of products we use in the plants, always thinking about the consequences that they could bring or as in this case the type of insect that can lead them to threaten the life of the plants in the garden.

Indications to avoid aphid apparition in plants

To keep your plants free of any pests it is necessary to follow a series of indications that not only keep insects away but also help you keep the garden clean and healthy.

For this reason we will give you tips that will allow you to follow the aforementioned.

  1. Make a daily review of the garden, to evaluate that your plants do not possess any type of insect.
  2. Insects or pests feel repelled by all those plants that generate a strong but pleasant smell such as basil, mint, corianderamong others.
  3. If in your supervision of the plants you observe in the ground or somewhere on the leaves or stem black ants, then you will be prevented from the aphid being in your plants.
  4. It is necessary that you have knowledge on how to keep your plantswith nutrients, fertilizers and all those aspects that can make them stay healthy and can defend against attacks by pests, leading to a better recovery of the damage received.
  5. Research on aphid predators, so that when you are creating your garden you keep them in them so that pests feel threatened and cannot get close to your plants. Some of the predators that we can mention are: the ladybug, the parasitoids, the cecidomides among other species that can be very effective to frighten the aphids .

Natural ways to eliminate the aphid

It is considered as a natural way, all those strategies that do not need the intervention of any chemical component.

In this case we will develop the options that can help move the aphids away from our garden so that they do not get closer when your plants are growing and less when they are adults.

  1. Garlic: in your garden implement planting garlic ornaments so that the aroma can move the aphids away . Another option that you can use is crushed garlic dissolved in water, bring them to a boil so that the water takes the aroma and flavor of it, take a sprinkler and sprinkle them on all the plants that you have, so that the aphids when you want to approach can not Its strong aroma.
  2. The onion: like the previous one, use a pot and let the onion boil in a little water, then sprinkle on your plants without problems. Be sure that some insects including aphids will not come close.
  3. Chamomile: it is practically the same procedure, it is considered a very effective plant not only to keep insects away but also to give strength to your ornaments, giving them life and nutrients.
  4. On some occasions it is recommended that plants with a strong aromabe used to keep away aphids and other insects such as coriander, rosemary, mint among others. Place them around as a wall so they cannot be near the most important plants, it is basically an excellent strategy to avoid insects.
  5. San pedro leaves: itis considered as an insecticide, since it has insect repellent properties and in this case it is perfect to fight aphids . Just take the leaves and let them boil in water, then strain it and empty it in a sprayer. You will observe the changes quickly, you will not have any type of harmful insect.

The above plants or means are the most effective ways to fight the aphid , they are healthy and you can implement them at the time you are creating the garden, it will simply keep them away.

It is important to note that you can add to the garden, plants that have characteristics that attract those insects that are perfect to keep them full of life, such as butterflies, bees that help pollination among others.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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