Fifteen easy ways to lose weight without losing health

Losing weight is one of the great workhorses of our society. Periodically we hear the appearance of a miracle diet or a weight loss treatment. But … what if the road was easier? What if following some simple rules can be achieved? According to Ata Pouramini , a nutritionist from Oxford Brooks University, a graduate in Human Sciences, a master in Chiropractic Sciences, a doctor of Chiropractic and a member of the Spanish Association of Chiropractic, losing weight can be much easier than it seems.

These are, in his opinion, the fifteen master rules that can help us achieve our goal: lose weight without leaving health in the effort:

  1. Starving yourself is a very dangerous way to lose weight because the body does not receive the essential nutrients for the body to function. Lack of energy is not so important but the lack of nutrients can cause weakness of the immune system, osteoporosis, lower mental capacity and even if we bring this behavior to death paroxysm.
  2. Little by little, try to eat a little less, over time this habit will become a habit and you will get satiated with less.
  3. Drink half a liter of water half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  4. Practicing yoga and pilates not only benefits your health, you will also learn to breathe better, and a well-oxygenated body has a better chance of losing weight.

5. Sleep one more hour each night. Scientists at the University of Michigan have shown that a person can lose nearly seven pounds in one year with that extra hour. The reason: A person who does not sleep well has more anxiety, which can lead to itching more between meals. “Also, logically, if you sleep one more hour it is one in which you will not be able to eat,” says this nutritionist.

  1. Eat much slower, you will be satisfied sooner.
  2. It is good to eat salads and vegetables: they fill without gaining as much as other foods. Something similar happens with soups.
  3. Write the realistic results you want to get: it is good that they are specific, quantifiable and have a time limit.
  4. Do sports at least 3 times a week.
  5. Whenever possible eat at home.
  6. Chew mint gum very hard, that will prevent you from biting between meals.
  7. Being a vegetarian has its advantages. The diet should have 80% of vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals. A healthy diet involves following the Mediterranean model with organic whole foods.
  8. Do not die: they do not work in the long term
  9. It is not necessary to remove 100% of the fats. If you deprive yourself of fat, your body will become dangerously efficient at storing fat when you return to normal eating.
  10. Different investigations have shown that the endocrine system is closely related to the nervous system. “End your pain, and regulate the endocrine system. A body with the best metabolism can lose weight more easily.


by Abdullah Sam
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