FFVII Remake Intergrade: How to Start Episode Intermission

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has just been released for PS5, and it comes with some nifty next-gen enhancements, as well as Episode Intermission, which is a new chapter in the story starring Yuffie, the Wutai ninja. If you’ve already completed the base game and want to jump right into the new content, here’s how to start the episode intermission in FFVII Remake Intergrade.

Starting the intermission of the episode in FFVII Remake Intergrade

First of all, it should be noted that the Episode Teaser is only available on PS5 and you must have the PS5 version of the game in order to purchase it. Once you have purchased it from the store or through the game menu, you can access it through the title screen or from the pause menu.

From the title screen, press the R2 button to switch to the Episode Interval menu. Or if you’re already in the game, press the Options button to open your menu, then select Bonus Episode to begin.

The game will warn you that this is a side story that focuses on Yuffie and does not offer any explanation or tutorial on basic mechanics and controls, and that you are advised to watch the base game first. Once you are sure you want to get started, tap the triangle button to confirm and you will be taken to a new menu where you can adjust your settings before starting.

As in the base game, you can also choose between four difficulties: Easy, Easy (Classic), Normal, and Normal (Classic). Classic mode ensures that you don’t have to worry about real-time action, and you can focus on making decisions and choosing which spells or abilities to use.

That’s all you need to know about how to start the episode intermission in FFVII Remake Intergrade . Be sure to check out our wiki guide for more tips and information on games.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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