Eyebrow lift (surgical technique)

Eyebrow raising techniques. Surgery techniques that allow an elevation of the eyebrows, giving a certain expression to the face, taking into account the position of the eyebrows.


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  • 1 Environmental factors affecting the face
  • 2 Before surgery
  • 3 During surgery
  • 4 Recovery
  • 5 benefits
  • 6 Risks and Complications
  • 7 Sources

Environmental factors affecting the face

The eyebrows are important structures that effect expression on the face. Differences in the shapes of the eyebrows can give an expression of angry, sad, an old expression. The distance between the eyebrows can be short from birth due to genetics or age.

Environmental factors such as sun , wind , age and the force of gravity, affect the face, causing expression lines, wrinkles on the forehead, and an increasing heaviness in the eyebrows, because the skin loses its elasticity . Fallen eyebrows are usually starting to show in people in their forties and this is the age when most patients undergo the brow lift, frontoplasty, or brow lift procedure.

Before the surgery

Before your procedure it is important to identify the areas that show the most aging on your face. If the upper part of the face is flaccid and has noticeable folds, the elevation of the eyebrows may be the indicated procedure. However, for loose skin on the lower face or double chin and around the jaw or neck area, a facelift or rejuvenation may be a more suitable option; Even additional procedures, such as eyelid surgery , may be necessary to achieve the desired result.

During surgery

There are different techniques for raising eyebrows. The two main options are the original open technique and endoscopic browlift. The most appropriate procedure for the patient depends on the structure of the face, the condition of the skin and the scalp because the surgeon must decide where to place the incisions. With both techniques, the muscles and underlying tissues of the forehead are stretched and repositioned, removing excess skin.


Depending on the procedure performed, the patient may return home after a few hours, or in some cases it will be necessary to stay in the hospital overnight. Most patients return to work after 7-10 days, although this can often happen sooner if the patient undergoes an endoscopic procedure.


The shape of the eyebrows and their position can make a big difference when it comes to looking. Eyebrow lift surgery or frontoplasty can elevate drooping eyebrows to make the eyes appear more open, as well as remove loose skin on the forehead to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Risks and Complications

Pain and discomfort for several days after surgery is normal, as is swelling of the face for approximately 48 hours, and bruising that can last up to two weeks. Among the rare risks and side effects associated with raising the eyebrows are: reactions to anesthesia, bleeding , bruising , asymmetries, and neurological damage .


by Abdullah Sam
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