
Abdominoplasty . It is an aesthetic surgical intervention that allows the elimination of excess fat, sagging muscles and skin , which usually appear with obesity or after pregnancy processes. Usually this surgery must be accompanied by liposuction of (hip, waist, and abdomen itself )

It is generally an outpatient-type procedure performed in a properly equipped operating room. Previously, the personalized consultation establishes what type of anesthesia should be used.


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  • 1 Alternative names
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Aesthetic importance
  • 4 Variations to the abdominoplasty technique
  • 5 Advantages of surgery
  • 6 Risks
  • 7 After surgery
  • 8 Forecast
  • 9 Sources

Alternative names

Aesthetic surgery of the abdomen; abdominal plastic surgery; lipectomy


The average surgical time is 2 to 4 hours depending on each case. In the abdominoplasty, an incision is made at the level of the pubis (where the scar will remain), through the lower abdominal fold, excess skin and fat are lifted and resected; At this time the exposed muscles are treated with stitches to define the contour and restore tone to the abdominal wall. Finally, the skin is sutured, leaving drainage tubes to avoid the accumulation of fluids. Usually the patient is hospitalized 1-2 days. Generally performed under general anesthesia

Aesthetic importance

Most of the time, surgery is called “elective” or “cosmetic” surgery because it is something you choose to do and is generally not needed for health reasons. Aesthetic repair of the abdomen can help improve appearance, mainly after a lot of weight gain or loss. This surgery helps flatten the lower abdomen and tighten the stretched skin. It can also help alleviate rashes or skin infections that appear under large skin flaps. Furthermore, it can improve self-image and self-esteem.

Variations to the abdominoplasty technique

There are various techniques to perform and variations in the incisions. Depending on the case, it is even possible to avoid the incision around the navel. As there is a minimum amount of loose skin and the fat accumulations are located under the navel, it is enough to make a short horizontal incision to carry out a procedure known as mini abdominoplasty. In specific cases, liposuctionIt can be used in conjunction with a tummy tuck to remove abdominal fat. For those patients who have low levels of accumulated fat and muscle, the use of Endoscopic Abdominoplasty is feasible, a technique that minimizes the possibility of scarring. Seeking maximum satisfaction and the best result of the intervention, the surgeon evaluates and decides with the patient the most appropriate method.

Advantages of surgery

Abdominoplasty can be useful for the removal of excess fat and skin in the middle and lower abdominal area, as well as strengthening the muscles present there, are the main advantages of this surgical intervention. The removal of stretch marks and pre-existing scars, a firmer and flatter abdomen are the most satisfactory changes.


  • Damage to internal organs.
  • Excessive scarring.
  • Having a very low body temperature during surgery.
  • Skin loss
  • Nerve damage that can cause pain or numbness in part of the abdomen.
  • Poor scarring.

After surgery

The patient will have some pain and discomfort for several days. Your doctor will prescribe pain relievers to help you manage pain. Resting with your legs and hips bent during recovery can help reduce pressure on your abdomen. An elastic girdle-like support should be worn for 2-3 weeks, this will provide extra support while healing. Strenuous activity and any stress-causing factors should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks. You will probably be able to return to work in 2 to 4 weeks. Scars will become flatter and lighter for the next 3 to 6 months. The patient should not expose the surgery area to the sun, because it can worsen the scar and darken the color.


Most people are happy with the results of the tummy tuck and many of them experience a new feeling of self-confidence.


by Abdullah Sam
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