Establish a 5-step feedback culture

Adopting a feedback-oriented corporate culture is not simple and requires an important change in managerial and organizational practices ; for this reason, companies often do not know how to proceed with implementation.

Marie-Laure Curie , Cegos France consultant, illustrates an effective 5-step approach below.

Diagnose problems

  • Agree the meaning: why (principle of causality), for what (principle of purpose), predispose to the transformation of performance management practices
  • Evaluate the gap , or the state of the art of formal and informal processes within the company.
  • Defining the strategy of implementation on new feedback practices: what, who, when, how, how often and with what link with the HR department.

Involve managers

  • Communicate with managers or decision makers in the early stages of the project
  • Mobilize managers of higher levels. Demonstration by example is one of the keys to success of a change project.
  • Train managers to a new position as manager-coach. This is because they will lead the teams towards a lasting change of approach and culture.

Define suitable tools

  • Carry out an analysis of the instruments already present internally and their possible limits.
  • Choose the most suitable tool . It can be digital or not, perhaps already present in the company (apps, questionnaires, surveys …)
  • Involve your managers , from design to implementation of the instrument chosen.

Involve employees

  • Make sense of the project, or communicate the benefits of a daily and regular exchange of feedback. Clarify the roles of each.
  • Organize a training activity to allow you to learn how to give and receive feedback
  • If necessary, train collaborators on the identified tools to be used for the exchange of feedback.

Maintain an approach to feedback over time

  • Measure and communicate the results of the implementation of the feedback culture to the whole organization and analyze how it influenced company performance.
  • Reward your employees and managers who have distinguished themselves during the project to encourage them to continue to promote this new culture.
  • Collect feedback on this new approach to continuously develop and improve it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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