Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans

Global warming has become a major cause for concern today. Among other things, it is adversely affecting our oceans. It is deteriorating the quality of water in the oceans and has many other negative effects on these huge water bodies spread around the world. Global warming has had a major impact on the oceans in the last few decades and is increasing negatively on these waters with each passing year.

Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans, Effect of global warming on ocean in hindi (200 words)

Oceans are our prized gifts. They occupy a major part of the earth and it is our duty to ensure that they are kept clean. However, human activities are only harming the oceans around the world.

In today’s time, global warming has become a major threat to the oceans. Earth’s temperature is constantly rising due to global warming, which is due to the presence of harmful gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. As noted by researchers, the temperature of our planet has risen to 1.4 degrees F since 1880. This has brought many changes in the Earth’s atmosphere. This increase in temperature has had the worst effect on the oceans.

The rapid increase in the release of harmful gases has made the oceans acidic. They are no longer fit for the proper development and survival of marine organisms. The melting of glaciers has also started due to global warming. This results in the expansion of the oceans and the rise in sea level. Rising sea levels cause frequent floods in coastal areas that disrupt the lives of people living in those areas. In addition, oceans play an important role in defining the Earth’s climate and these changes in the oceans have resulted in changes in weather patterns.

Many species of animals are suffering due to this change in the quality of sea water. Many of these species are now extinct and many others are likely to disappear in the coming times.

Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans, 300 words:


Global warming has a major impact on ocean life. This global phenomenon has affected ocean currents, raised sea levels and caused acidification of sea water, among many other adverse effects on these beautiful water bodies. People living in the oceans, as well as changes in the oceans due to global warming, have been adversely affected.

Impact of global warming on marine organisms:

The temperature of the oceans has increased due to global warming. The increased temperature is not fit for the survival of many marine animals. Many species of fish, turtles and other sea animals are struggling to survive in this changed weather conditions. According to research, many marine species find it difficult to adapt to rising sea water temperatures and thus become extinct.

The acidification of oceans is also becoming a threat to marine life. The acidification of sea water is likely to worsen the situation due to further rise in sea temperature and global warming.

Impact of global warming on coastal areas:

Not only the organisms that live inside the oceans, but also those who live outside are also being affected due to the effect of global warming on the oceans. The glaciers are melting at a rapid rate due to global warming and consequently the oceans are expanding resulting in rising sea levels. Thus people living in coastal areas are prone to continuous flooding. These areas are often hit by floods, which disrupts life in the coastal areas.


Global warming is a major threat to ocean life. Our oceans are no longer a safe place for sea creatures. Continuous rise in sea level has also become a threat to the people living in the coastal areas. It is sad that despite being fully aware of the harmful effects of global warming on sea life, we humans are doing nothing to control this problem.

Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans, 400 words:


Earth’s surface temperature has increased as a result of global warming. It has also increased the temperature of the oceans, making the ocean water warmer than before. This has severely affected marine life.

Different species of flora and fauna require different climates and environments to lead and lead healthy lives. Since the beginning of the oceans, many organisms have been home to species of marine organisms. Sea creatures have enjoyed safe and healthy life in vast and beautiful oceans for centuries, but no more.

Effect of seawater on marine life:

Global warming has had many negative effects on the oceans and has affected marine life. Among the various marine species affected by ocean warming are various species of fishes, corals, seals, seabirds and penguins. Many of these species of marine organisms have not survived the rise in sea temperature and many others suffer. Here’s how it has affected some of them:

Fishes:  Many varieties of fish thrive for a particular temperature in order to stay healthy and survive in the oceans. The colorful and beautiful fish of many species have become extinct due to the constant rise in sea water temperature.

Penguins:  Penguins live in the polar regions and spend most of their lives at sea. They require cold water and extremely cold weather to survive. The warming of sea water is thus overshadowing their life. They are not able to cope with the changing climatic conditions of the oceans and various diseases.

Seal: A  large number of water bodies are found in the Pacific Ocean. The warming of this ocean water has led to sardines and anchovies in colder regions. Seals feed largely on both of these sea creatures and as they are slowly moving into cooler areas, the seals are starving towards death. They are finding it difficult to find food for seal puppies who are thus suffering from malnutrition and many other health problems.


The overall atmosphere of our planet and the oceans inside was pure and calm until the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution has changed the face of the earth. While it has brought many positive changes in the life of man, it has been equally cruel on our environment. Our clean and beautiful oceans have been particularly affected by this development and so have marine life which was safe inside them until the industrial age. The warming of the oceans has become a major problem for marine life due to global warming.

Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans, 500 words:


Global warming has had a wide impact on oceans and marine life. It has increased the temperature of the ocean, which has led to acidification of sea water and many changes in the bio-chemistry of our beautiful oceans.

Global warming effect on ocean waves:

Ocean currents flow far and wide and play an important role in determining the Earth’s climate. Global warming is affecting ocean currents and this in turn is affecting our climate. The ocean currents are weakening due to global warming. As the ice edge melts, fresh water is released into the oceans and this reduces the density of surface water. This causes the water to sink and the current slows down.

Ocean currents bring together various essential nutrients that are essential for ocean life. The depletion of the oceans streams carries less nutrients. This has disrupted the food chain and is severely affecting sea life. The impact of increasing global warming is expected to worsen in the coming years.

Global warming effect on ocean water salinity

Research suggests that global warming is affecting sea water salinity to a large extent. As the air is heating up, the ability to absorb water is increasing. Therefore, a large amount of water is evaporating and this results in high rainfall in many areas.

It is observed that while wet areas are getting wet, dry areas are drying up. Rainfall is occurring in areas with a higher rate of evaporation than precipitation and more rainfall is occurring in areas with higher rates of precipitation and comparatively lower rates of evaporation. This occurs as a result of an increase in oceanic salts in parts that are brackish, while there is freshness in parts with fresh water. Melting of ice caps due to global warming is also affecting the salinity of sea water. This is reducing the amount of salt in the water.

Researchers claim that, if the Earth’s surface temperature rises further, it will further affect the oceans, which in turn will affect the various activities associated with the same.

Global warming effect on ocean temperature:

Just as global warming is raising the temperature on Earth; Due to this, sea temperature is also increasing. Sea water is heating up and sea life is being affected due to this. Many species of marine animals are finding it difficult to adapt to the changed climate. Many species of fish, turtles and other sea creatures have become extinct due to the rise in seawater temperature and many have suffered from severe disease.

Rising sea temperatures are also having an erratic effect on rainfall patterns. There are irregular rains at many places on our planet.


Thus, global warming has greatly affected the oceans. This has affected the salinity of water, making it more saline in some parts and less saline in others. This has largely affected the ocean currents. It has also raised the sea temperature, which has affected the life of marine organisms.

Essay on the effect of global warming on oceans, Effect of global warming on ocean in hindi (600 words)


Greenhouse gases, which are a cause of global warming, have increased the atmosphere in the last century. This has not only affected the surface temperature of the Earth, but also has a major impact on our oceans. Oceans and ocean life have been deeply affected due to global warming which is the result of various human activities.

Effects of global warming on oceans:

Rising ocean water temperature:  The biggest impact of global warming on oceans is that it has made ocean water warmer. The oceans absorb heat from the air and consequently the ocean water is heated. Research shows that all the oceans on our planet have become particularly warm in the last fifty years.

It is the topmost layer of the ocean that has been most affected by atmospheric heat, although the water at the bottom is no longer unaffected. The data added by the researchers suggests that the top layer of the oceans is warming to 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit with each passing decade.

The sea water temperature is likely to increase in the coming times and this will affect both the upper layer as well as the deep water within the oceans.

Acidification of ocean water:  Sea water is not only heating up, but also becoming acidic due to absorption of harmful gases like carbon and methane. The chemical reaction caused by the absorption of these gases by sea water is reducing its pH level.

The acidification of sea water is harming marine organisms as well as the overall environment. Some of the harmful effects of this phenomenon include decreased immunity to marine organisms and coral bleaching.

Changes in weather patterns:  Oceans play a major role in determining the Earth’s climate. Global warming is affecting the oceans which are affecting the climate to a great extent. The disorganized climatic conditions experienced today are the result of global warming and its impact on the oceans. While some places on Earth are receiving excessive rainfall, others are suffering from drought. The rise in sea level has increased the risk of flooding in coastal areas as snowflakes and glaciers begin to melt.

Sea creatures are suffering due to global warming:  Sea creatures are one of the most beautiful creations of God. We love cute penguins who spend most of their lives in the oceans, love semi-aquatic Kadali seals and are mesmerized by the multi-enchanted fishes shining in the water. But do we know how much harm we are doing to these innocent creatures? The increase in the level of greenhouse gases results from global warming and has many negative effects on ocean life.

Many species of fish and other marine organisms have lost their lives due to increased ocean acidification and ocean acidification. Many have gone extinct and many others are likely to disappear soon.


We humans are destroying our beautiful oceans. Our oceans began to deteriorate with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. The setting up of several factories led to the emission of large quantities of harmful gases. Industrial waste added water and land pollution and further increased the level of harmful gases in our atmosphere. Deforestation, urbanization, increased use of fuel-powered vehicles, burning of fossil fuels and many other human activities are leading to increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Research shows that even if we stop all these activities to prevent further emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the ocean water will be warm for many years to come and our environment will be adversely affected.


by Abdullah Sam
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