Error solution: ‘my Disney Plus screen stays black’

Technological updates are always to be expected, but many times we are surprised to see how something we did not imagine reaches the streaming application market, such as Netflix. Of course, no brand wants to be left behind with new fashions, so Disney wanted to be part of these plans as well .

In 2015, Disney launched a show in the UK as Disney Life , which in 2020 was superseded and updated by Disney + worldwide. This is an additional service provided by the Disney company that can be downloaded , and thus be able to watch Disney movies and series.

Since its creation in 2019 in the United States until now, this application has managed to position itself among the majority of downloads with more than 100 million users . The Disney + application is free from the application store, you have to pay to see what you want and thus take advantage of its free trial at the beginning.

In the development of this article, we want to talk a little about the functions that Disney + offers you from the moment you install it on your computer. Of course, as all recently launched applications have flaws, Disney + also, so we will help you solve one of them, such as the screen going black when starting.

Main features offered by Disney Plus

Although, we may always use our Disney + account to watch our favorite shows, we may not know all the details that this platform presents. A suggestion that has created an advantage in the use of this platform is to create several profiles , so that each user can see without interruption.

Also, the Disney + application gives the facility to save a program to watch it later if we cannot at that time, just by selecting the “+” icon . This option appears on the poster or the beginning of a program. When selected, the program will be saved in the “My list” option that you can access from the menu.

One function that users have loved is the ease of downloading a movie or series chapters to be able to watch them later, regardless of whether we are offline . To do this, when we find a program that we want to download from the catalog, the option to download with good quality appears below the name.

On the other hand, although Disney + can be seen on our mobile, whether it is Android or iOS , it is also possible to download it and watch our series and movies from a Smart TV easily . The downloads of this application and the steps to follow will depend on the model, brand and operating system that your Smart TV has.

If you have a model with an Android operating system, the steps are very simple; You must enter the “Home” of your Smart and go to the featured option . On the other hand, you can go to the App Store section, where you can write Disney + or it will appear as recommended, and it only remains for you to install it on the Smart TV.

Now, as we mentioned before, it is possible that when starting in the application, the screen of the mobile or our Smart will go black or remain in the logo. In those cases the solution is quite simple, and right now we will explain what you can do to solve it quickly.

Why does the Disney Plus screen go black or stay on the logo? How to solve the problem?

This is an issue that many users and developers have confirmed is related to the Disney + error code 1026 , but it is a problem that has a simple fix.

If you are using the application from your phone or some other mobile device, what you have to do is exit the application to be able to restart it . This recommendation is the one that all users have followed and it has worked for them when reopening the application because it does work.

But, if the case is that you are using the application from a Smart TV and you have already restarted the application, and the problem still persists, you can do something else. Disconnect your Smart TV from the WiFi network  and then reconnect it , since many times the problem is due to a failure in the WiFi connection .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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