How to make lists on Disney plus and Star plus?

The lists in Disney Plus and Star Plus as well as in other streaming services allow you to save the series and movies to watch them later. In this way, even though the content changes within the start of the platform, you have the possibility of having them saved within a special section in your own profile. So here we will see how to make lists in Disney Plus and Star Plus from different devices.

Index(  )

  1. What does it take to create a list within Disney plus and Star plus
    1. How to update Disney plus?
  2. How are series or movies listed on Disney plus and Star plus?
    1. From mobile device
    2. From the PC
    3. With a Smart TV
  3. How do I remove content from a Disney plus and Star plus list?

What does it take to create a list within Disney plus and Star plus

There are not many requirements that are needed to be able to create movie lists within Star or Disney Plus. First you must have or be connected to a Wi-Fi network.

You must be subscribed to one of these platforms or both, having previously made the monthly payment. Likewise, you have to create a profile on Star or Disney Plus where your tastes and the movies, series and others that you see and consume will be saved. On the other hand, in the case of using the application for mobile phones or televisions, it must be completely updated in order to have its latest features.

How to update Disney plus?

To update the Disney Plus or Star Plus applications, the process must be done from the device’s application store . So if you use an Android you must use the Google Play Store and if you use an iPhone, iPad or any other Apple device then you must enter the Apple Store.

Once inside these stores, you have to look for the application you want to update, in this case it can be Star or Disney. Although you should know that for many countries, the Disney plus mobile application includes a section or tab for Star Plus. Therefore, you must open the app options in the store and click on the update button.

How are series or movies listed on Disney plus and Star plus?

You should know that the My list section within Disney Plus is already created from the beginning. To start using it, you just have to start adding series and movies to this list so that the section begins to be active and full of content. Notably, each Disney + account profile has its own list of movies to watch later.

To add a series, documentary, show or movie to a list, you can use any device that has access to Disney plus. In this sense, the process can be carried out from a mobile phone, from a computer and even using a smart TV of any brand.

From mobile device

To start the process and start adding audiovisual content to the list on a mobile phone, you must download the mobile application. After that, you have to create an account with the respective payment that requires a subscription to this Streaming service belonging to the Disney company. Then you have to enter that account and enter one of the profiles that allows you to create the service.

When you enter a profile, you will be able to see all the content that is loaded within the platform. Therefore, you must choose a series or movie that you want to add to the list and click on it. When the movie box opens, you must click on the button that has the plus sign (+) and that is located next to the watch button and the movie is automatically saved in the my list section.

From the PC

When you want to do the process from a computer, you have to enter the official Disney plus or Star Plus page with your browser . After that, access the account and your own profile within this service to be able to enter at the beginning where all the movies or series will be seen.

As in the previous process, you have to enter the menu of that movie by clicking on it. In this part, you have to click on the plus symbol that allows you to add said content to the list of content that is saved to view later.

With a Smart TV

The process on televisions is quite similar to those explained. The only thing different is the condition of the device, that is, the smart TV. However, the TV app looks a lot like the one mobile devices use. Therefore, in the same way, you have to enter the Disney account and look for a movie to put it on my list. Subsequently, it must be pressed on the plus sign or plus to add it to that section.

How do I remove content from a Disney plus and Star plus list?

When a movie or series is added to the Disney Plus list, a check mark is added next to the button that says watch This means that the content is added to this list. So to remove content from a list, all you have to do is click on this check mark.

In this sense, within the Disney or Star Plus application or platform, you have to access the my list section. This is located in the tab on the left that is below the profile photo. When you enter this list, you can see all the added movies and that’s where you have to click on the movie you want to delete.