What is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error and how it fixes on your WordPress.

If you own and operate a website, you may face different types of problems and errors.

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS is one of the errors that most confuses users, usually users who use Chrome find out.

In this article, we will take a look at what causes this error and how to fix it.

Fortunately, it is an easy operation and, given that you use WordPress, it will be easy to solve it in no time.

First, let’s take a look at what this error really is and what the meaning behind it is.

When you have a problem, get used to learning.
Be curious!
You must understand the causes even if you are not a technician!

It will be the technician to apply the technicality but you must know what it is!


ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT is an error that occurs when your site is stopped in an infinite loop of redirects.

What is a loop? A loop is an automatic cyclical page-by-page redirection that never ends:

This means that the site continues to send you back and forth between two, three pages and when it gets tired it shows you the error (or rather not to block the server …).

The error can be caused by several factors.

Usually it happens due to a programming error.

So start from your theme, a conflict between plug-ins, or a problem with some redirect function (you installed some plugins to redirect from one page to another and maybe you didn’t notice that from page A you send on page B, from B you bring to C and from C you return to A).

How to fix it? Here’s what you can do:

To resolve the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT, you need to follow several steps to find out why the error appears.

Follow the instructions below step by step.

1. Remove cookies.

Having damaged or outdated cookies can cause the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT error.

So it is better to start the repair by cleaning the cookies in your browser.

You can delete them very easily by clearing the history. But if you want to keep those connected to other sites, follow the procedure.

Step 1: copy and paste the following link in the Chrome address bar to access the Cookie section of the Chrome settings “chrome / settings / content / cookies” .

Step 2: then select View all cookie data.

Step 3: search for the website in the cookie search bar and delete any cookies related to the website.

To delete cookies in Firefox, go to Settings, Privacy and security and then select Manage data. From the pop-up window you can browse through all the stored cookies and delete the cookies related to your website.

Also try clearing your browser cache.

If you use another online browser you will surely find out how.

2. Clear the WordPress cache.

In some cases, you may still be able to access WordPress during an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.

If you can log in, you can try clearing the site cache to fix the error.

The process of clearing the cache in popular WordPress caching plug-ins, including WP Super Cache, WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, is quite similar.

Simply follow the steps below.

Step 1: log into WordPress and go to the caching plugin settings to clear the cache

3. Deactivate and reactivate the plug-in.

If you can’t log in to WordPress, you can try disabling all plug-ins.

You can do this by accessing the files on your site using FTP.

Step 1: log in using your FTP credentials.

Step 2: open the WP-Content folder and, quite simply, temporarily rename the plug-in folder.

This will disable all the plug-ins on your site in one go.
Don’t worry, you won’t lose any data.

If you use plugins that are binding on your theme, a Fatal Error may arise and to restore it, just rename the plugins folder to “plugins”.

Once you log in to WordPress, you can rename the folder with its default name and enable the plug-ins one by one to see which causes you problems.

4. If you use them Check the CDN and HTTPS settings.

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS is almost always caused by a problem with the HTTPS settings, most of the time because the SSL certificate has expired or because the SSL plug-in is configured incorrectly.

Use the “SSL Server Test tool” to make sure your SSL certificate and your site address are working together.

If you are using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), such as Cloudflare, be sure to check the CDN, in case the error is caused by the service. Try clearing the CDN cache. And also check the HTTPS settings on the CDN.

5. Check the .htaccess file

If none of the methods mentioned fix the problem, you should check for internal server problems.

In some cases, the error can be caused by a corrupt or badly configured .htaccess file.

You can try to restore the default settings to see if you can repair the damage.

Step 1:  First, log in to your server using an FTP client.
You will find the .htaccess file in the main folder of your website.

Step 2:  Rename this file to something else (.htaccess-bad).

Step 3:  then create a new .htaccess by copying the following code.

We recommend that you contact the technical support team if you are unsure of the changes to your site’s files.


It is during these cases that you would like to have the website backed up.

It is always important to keep backups in case something goes wrong or if you need to make changes.

Mistakes come in all kinds of forms and sometimes when you least expect it.

In those moments, remember to stay calm and act accordingly.

And if you can’t find the solution, remember that you  can always contact me and my team and I will resolve the issue.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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