Easy ways to fix D3DCompiler_43.dll error

Games on computers running Windows 7 or 8 quite often do not want to start due to the fact that many do not know how to fix the D3DCompiler_43.dll error. The reason is the absence of this file. Do not panic, as a rule, this problem is solved in 20-30 minutes.

D3DCompiler_43.dll error

A little about the dll files themselves

DLL (DynamicLinkLibrary) is a dynamic link library used by many software applications . Such files, or rather, programs, perform various specific functions that are necessary for the operation of applications. Each such library can be used by several programs at the same time. Programs may require different versions of libraries, which is why crashes occur.

D3DCompiler_43.dll refers to a DirectX application, without which many games will not work. Accordingly, in the absence of D3DCompiler_43.dll, DirectX itself will fail. To solve the problem, you need to return the required library to where it is currently missing and the error will be fixed.

Returning D3DCompiler_43.dll

Simple method

The D3DCompiler_43.dll error means that something is missing in DirectX itself. In this case, the easiest way to solve the problem is to reinstall the program. To do this, just go to the official Microsoft website and download the free installer, DirectX will be updated, and the required library will be present on site. After restarting the computer, everything should work properly.

DirectX program

Complex method

You can try not to reinstall the whole DirectX package, but simply download and manually install the required file. You can download it as an archive on the Internet. The main thing is not to stumble upon viruses , because in this case, serious damage to the operating system can be caused, and this error will no longer worry, because other, more serious ones will appear. It is best to download the package from trusted sources or from file archives that specialize in just such files. It is also important to choose the right bit for your system, otherwise the file will not work.

After downloading the archive, unpack it and transfer the contents to the Windows System32 or Windows SysWOW64 system folder (where it should be, but not there), depending on the OS bit. Next, open a command line (press the Win + R keys) and type in it: regsvr32 d3dcompiler_43.dll. Then click OK. Restart your computer and then try running the problematic game again. If all actions are performed correctly, it should start and the error will stop bothering you.

It is worth noting that the latter method can lead to serious disruptions in the operation of the computer for two reasons:

  1. Together with the necessary library, a bunch of different garbage will be downloaded to the computer, which you do not need, since the sites offering to download this library often have not a very clean reputation;
  2. The file turns out to be a virus .

In short, it’s up to you to choose, but the first option will probably be a little longer, but safe.

We can conclude that this error is easily solved and it certainly does not hurt to enjoy your favorite games.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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