Do you know what your pet needs from you?

As part of your family environment, Aquanatura Criadero de pets advises meeting certain needs that your pet will have:


With regard to your health, you are responsible for providing medical care, vaccinating and deworming when required, as well as being attentive to any change in your physical appearance or behavior that may alert us that something is wrong and that needs veterinary attention.


For the pet it is essential to spend time with you because in addition to affection and affection they need leisure time to be able to run, play and discharge energy. In this way we will have a balanced partner who is always willing to spend time with us.


We must also think about essential routines, for example, with regard to his diet, it is very important to establish a time a day to give him his food. Also important is to mark routines for grooming, in addition to bathing, you have to take care of other aspects of the animal such as cutting the nails or taking care of its dental hygiene.

Adapt the economy

The animal will generate some expenses that we must count on, in addition to acquiring all the necessary equipment for its day to day (feeder, drinker, bed) we must think about the cost of feeding and veterinary and foresee that we will have to organize our outings vacation, either taking it with you or looking for a place or accommodation to stay while we are not at home.


Ours is the responsibility of their care and their education so that they can relate well to their environment formed, both by people and animals. We are in charge of preventing our pet from disturbing other people or animals, for this, we must teach them good habits at home and outside of it. It is also very important to respect specific regulations in public places and of course, not to litter the city by collecting your depositions.

In short, we must be aware that having an animal implies compliance with social norms and behaviors and, most importantly, always keeping in mind that our pet is a living being, with specific physical and emotional needs. It is in our hands to provide you with the well-being you deserve.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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