Dingo;wild dog of Australia

It is an animal that is quite similar in size to a medium-sized domestic dog .

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It usually measures between 50 and 60 cm and its weight ranges between 20 and 30 kg. Females are smaller than males. What characterizes this animal is its reddish and brown coat, as well as the morphology of its body, which differs from that of the domestic dog. In this sense, as an animal accustomed to traveling long distances to look for food, it usually has longer legs. This, in addition to favoring their movement, gives them greater agility and speed during the hunt.

Another interesting fact, which is part of its peculiarities, is the color of the eyes, which is yellow, although it can show different shades.


Due to its size and its resemblance to the domestic dog, in Australia many people adopta dingo as a pet. Their behavior has more to do with the wolf than with the dog, since dingoes are usually nomads and, although there are solitary dingoes, they live in packs. Some live near urban centers and are used to the presence of man. They even feed on the garbage you find on the streets or in dumpsters. But there are those who have barely interacted with humans, so they tend to show a more aggressive attitude towards them. Hence, its domestication is complex. Despite this, there are centers in which these canids are domesticated, so, as we have advanced, it is possible to adopt them. Of course, as long as we do it through spaces of this type;

Finally, with regard to their diet, it is usually varied. Wild dingoes feed on small animals such as rabbits, geese, rats, or wallabies . They can also eat cats, kangaroos and even cattle, as it is a carnivore.

Therefore, if we want to adopt a dingo, we must take into account its behavior and always choose a canid that has been domesticated by qualified professionals .

by Abdullah Sam
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