Differences between Constructivism and Constructionism | Psychology

The difference between constructivism and constructionism is based on the focus of each theory. Constructivism and Constructionism are two educational psychological theories that have been influenced by each other. Constructivism was founded by Piaget while constructionism was founded by Papert. Both Piaget and Papert believed that knowledge is created by the child in the active process of interacting with the surrounding world. Constructivism highlights children’s interests and abilities to achieve specific educational goals at different ages. Constructionism, on the other hand, focuses on the mode of learning. This points out that these two theories are different from each other.

Through this article, the differences between constructivism and constructionism will be presented in order to provide a clear understanding of each theory.

What is Constructivism?

It was Jean Piaget who founded educational constructivism. According to him, constructivism opens a gateway to the interests and abilities of children to achieve specific educational goals at different ages . He studies the way in which children engage in different tasks and how they change over time. Piaget believed that children have their views on the world that are always changing as children interact with others and acquire new experiences.

Piaget believes that children do not change their views just because they are being taught. In this sense, teaching is an indirect process. The child interprets what is being taught based on his experiences and knowledge. He also notes the knowledge that what the child gains through teaching is not just information being communicated. It has to be experienced.

However, there are certain flaws in your theory. Critics point out that, although Piaget presents the child’s thinking in different phases, it does not capture some important aspects, such as the impact of the context, individual characteristics, media, etc.

What is Constructionism?

It was Seymour Papert who founded constructionism, based on Piaget’s constructivism. However, unlike constructivism, in constructionism,  attention is paid to the form of learning . This is also referred to as the art of learning . Papert was interested in studying the conversation between learning and artifacts, which led to self-directed learning.

Papert’s theory is considered to be broader and consists of a greater focus on constructivism. This is because it allows us to understand the formation and transformation of ideas in different contexts. In this sense, a clear shift between the two theories can be identified, since constructionism clearly highlights the individual rather than the universal.

Papert believes that the expression of individual feelings is vital, as it allows them to be shared and also affects our ideas. He believed that this influenced the student’s self-learning process. He further stated that knowledge is based on contexts.

What is the difference between Constructivism and Constructionism?

• Definitions of Constructivism and Constructionism:

  • Constructivism highlights the interests and abilities of children to achieve specific educational goals at different ages.
  • Constructionism focuses on the form of learning.

• Founders:

  • Constructivism was founded by Jean Piaget.
  • Constructionism was founded by Seymour Papert.

• Connection:

  • Constructionism was developed through the ideas of constructivism.

• Scope:

  • Constructionism is broader and consists of a greater focus than constructivism.

• Focus:

  • Constructivism does not focus on individual context and differences.
  • Constructionism focuses on the context and individual differences.

• Attention:

  • In constructivism, attention is paid to the skills of children at different stages of development.
  • In constructionism, attention is paid to individual learning.


by Abdullah Sam
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