Difference between Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry is actually an ancient science where human knowledge has grown significantly in the last 3,000 years. But only in the last few centuries have scientists made some of their biggest steps in the study of diverse examples of chemicals .

Until in fact, it was only in the 17th century that scientists recognized that there were two types of chemistry, namely organic and inorganic. All of which have similarities and differences. Therefore this article will review in full related to these explanations.

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Organic and inorganic chemistry are actually the two main branches of chemistry that carry out specific studies related to organic and inorganic compounds. Which at least in organic compounds has carbon in their chemical structure. Whereas inorganic compounds usually do not have this element.

Organic chemistry studies the structure, properties, composition, and types of organic reactions of compounds containing carbon. These molecules are related to substances that are produced by living organisms, but also include man-made substances.

Some examples in the study  of organic chemistry, for example, such as nucleic acids, fats, sugars, proteins, enzymes, and hydrocarbon fuels. The application of organic compounds is very large, including: drugs, petrochemicals, food, explosives, paints and cosmetics.

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

The true differences between organic and inorganic chemistry can be seen from several characteristics, namely: Chemical structure , chemical classification , and scientific objectives. However, the main difference is most evident in the structure of its chemical material.

Organic Compounds

Organic compounds must contain carbon atoms in their structure. But don’t be surprised if we see other elements, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. In contrast, compounds in chemical examples do not contain carbon atoms in their structures. For more details, here is a review of the differences;


No Organic Compounds Inorganic compounds
1 Existing structure in organic chemistry is more complicated Has a simple structure
2 It is certain that the whole organic compound is a carbon element Not all carbon elements
3 Organic compounds are generally derived from all living things and the results of synthesis in chemistry Not from living things, because they come from meral resources
4 Very flammable Not easy to burn

Apart from the main differences between organic and inorganic chemistry as already mentioned, there are things we need to know that carbon can sometimes make a special appearance in the structure of inorganic compounds, namely in compounds called organometallic .

Organometallic compounds are formed from the bonding of carbon atoms in organic compounds with metals in inorganic compounds. Organometallic compounds only show us that, apart from the differences between the two fields, there are gray areas where they can overlap with each other.

The difference between the two disciplines is far from absolute, because there is a lot of overlap in organometallic chemical sub-disciplines (as explained earlier). It has applications in every aspect of the chemical industry, including catalysis, materials science, pigments, surfactants, coatings, medicines, fuels, and agriculture.


Organic chemistry is the study of molecules containing carbon compounds. In contrast, inorganic chemistry is the study of all compounds that do NOT contain carbon compounds.

Examples of Organic and Inorganic Compounds

To further clarify, here is a series of examples;

Compounds which include organic chemistry. Among others;

  • Alizarin, which contains several carbon atoms

Compounds that are included inorganic chemistry. Among others;

  • Potassium permanganate, does not have a single carbon footprint

That was the explanation and review that can be written to all readers related to the difference between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry and for example in everyday life. Hopefully this review provides insight and adds knowledge for all readers. Thanks,


by Abdullah Sam
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