Day of the fight against Leprosy

Day of the fight against Leprosy . It is celebrated on the last Sunday of January. It is a day of social awareness about this disease as well as helping people who suffer from it and are not discriminated against.


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  • 1 Origin
  • 2 Objective
  • 3 Leprosy
  • 4 Treatment of leprosy
  • 5 Manifestations of the disease
  • 6 Activities
  • 7 Sources


The idea of ​​this celebration came from the journalist Raoul Folloreau , who suggested the celebration of this day for the fight against this disease. The first celebration was in 1954 .


The main objective of this day is to teach the population and show a disease that every year attacks millions of people around the world. The detection of patients as soon as possible as well as the provision of polypharmacotherapy corresponding to each patient is one of the fundamental strategies to control the disease. Thanks to this medicine the patient will find less pain and muscle numbness.


The leprosy is a contagious disease that is caused by Mycobacterium leprae . It is transmitted from human to human by nasal inhalation of infectious particles. Its main consequences are:

  • Skin lesions.
  • Peripheral nerve disorders.
  • Detection of the bacillus in the rhinopharynx .

Treatment of leprosy

Leprosy treatment is very effective in those who suffer from it. Thanks to the World Health Organization and the manufacturing company, the distribution of this medicine has been free in all countries since 1985 .

Leprosy is a curable disease. If treated in the early stages, disability is avoided. Otherwise, the disease can cause progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, extremities, and eyes.

Early diagnosis and multi-drug treatment continue to be the fundamental elements to ensure that the disease ceases to be a public health problem.

Manifestations of the disease

Among the various manifestations of the disease are:

  • Deforming protrusions.
  • Involvement of peripheral nerves.
  • Neurological damage to the legs and arms.
  • Loss of sensation in the skin.
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Loss of sense of sensations (cold, heat).


Various activities are carried out to publicize this disease. Various colloquia are held in which professionals will inform those present what this disease consists of, how it is cured and what are the methods that are used for it. You will also be able to know first-hand the opinions of people who have suffered this disease and how they have been able to overcome it. They are usually a great example for those who are in the process of healing.


by Abdullah Sam
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