10 good tips against insomnia

Insomnia can affect one’s entire existence. If you have problems with insomnia, there is a lot you can do to counteract it.

  1. Avoid coffee and tea’. Above all, you should not drink stimulating drinks such as coffee or soft drinks in the evening, before going to bed. But even earlier in the day it can affect sleep. It is usually recommended that there should be at least six hours between these drinks and bedtime.
  2. Use the bed to sleep, nothing else. Watching TV or eating can be done elsewhere.
  3. Make the bedroom and bed as inviting as possible. Make sure the air is fresh by opening the window. Invest in a good mattress, it can make a big difference. Keep the room clean and free of a lot of things. One should create a calming and comfortable atmosphere.
  4. Relaxation exercises can help with insomnia. Some find that a warm bath an hour or so before going to bed can help the body relax. Others tense and relax one muscle at a time until you have gone through the whole body.
  5. Reading a book or listening to soothing music can help one fall asleep. One should choose something that does not make one start thinking deeper thoughts or get upset. Preferably a slightly boring book that makes you sleepy.
  6. Have fixed routines for sleep. Going to bed, but also getting up, at the same time every day helps the body to relax. You know you have to sleep at a certain time. It is important to maintain this habit even on weekends.
  7. An evening meal can help. You should get used to light food, like some milk and a sandwich. Many people find that they relax with a cup of chamomile tea.
  8. Sometimes you may need to resort to medication to be able to sleep. There is a risk of addiction with most medications, so you have to weigh the pros and cons very carefully. Natural remedies can also help.
  9. Do not drink alcohol later than two hours before bedtime. It may sound strange, because usually you associate alcohol with sleep. But it is not quality sleep and many people wake up more tired the day after they drink.
  10. Do not drink too much. If you regulate how much you drink before bedtime, you can avoid waking up at night to go to the toilet.

If you do not get a good night’s sleep for an extended period, you can become ill, both physically and mentally. Therefore, it is important to do what you can to sleep properly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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