Cyberpunk 2077 romantic relationship guide .

In Cyberpunk 2077 , the new action RPG by CD Projekt RED also finds space for love. As in The Witcher 3, also in this case we will be able to develop romantic relationships with some characters of the game . Here is the Cyberpunk 2077 romantic relationship guide .

Warning: the next lines could contain potential spoilers!


Judy is the first character to be able to romance . You will meet the girl during the first Act. To unlock and continue the romance with her you will have to complete her activities until you get to the Disasterpeace mission . At this point you will receive a call from the woman, who will ask you to go to her apartment. By doing so you will have full access to the first romantic relationship of Cyberpunk 2077. However, consider that to access this romance, V will have to be a woman.


In case you decide to start the adventure with a male character, the first romance that you can unlock is the one with River, a girl you will meet during the second Act during the continuation of the main quest. Once the various main objectives have been completed, Panam will contact you and start a series of events that will give you the opportunity to establish a sentimental relationship with her. If you want to quickly reach a good feeling we advise you to adopt a sentimental approach and never aggressive / pushed during the dialogues.


Also during the second Act you will be able to deal with River, the first man with whom you can establish a romance. To start the ” sentimental quest ” you will have to complete the secondary mission entitled ” I Fought the Law “. Only in this way will you be able to meet River and start a relationship with him. This is only true if V is a woman.


Meredith is a female NPC with whom you can only unlock a relationship by being a man and having made the right decision during the main mission “ The Pick Up “. In particular, during the activity, you will be asked to decide whether or not to call Meredith. If you use her chip, the woman will leave you a message, opening the way for a new romance. If all goes well Meredith will invite you to the No Tell Motel .


The relationship with Kerry can only be established by being a man. To meet Kerry, however, you will have to carry out the secondary activities of Rogue and Johnny. Proceeding with the side quests you will be asked to break into his house to check that he is okay. From here, other side missions will unlock, at the end of which Kerry will call you asking for help. After completing another handful of tasks, you can meet Kerry in a bar. Here you will have the first opportunity to kiss him, starting a new love story . If things don’t go as planned, you will have two more successive opportunities (on a boat and on a beach).


The one with Rogue is not a main romantic option. It is in fact a relationship that mainly concerns the good Johnny Silverhand. Nevertheless, during the Tapeworm mission, Johnny will ask you to take control of your body to visit Rogue. If you accept, you will be able to make an appointment with the woman, without however leading to a lasting relationship. In any case, this romance will affect the end of the game.


As with Rogue, Alt’s relationship is also not a real romance. This is because the interactions with her will take place exclusively during Johnny Silverhand’s memory flashbacks. This will mainly serve you to deepen the relationship between Alt and Johnny. The information received will become of fundamental importance during the continuation of the adventure, including the final.


If you are not going to waste time on romantic relationships, you can always go to Jig-Jig Street , the Red Light District of Night City. Here you will find the Joy-Toys, with which you can start a relationship that is anything but sentimental. Obviously at your disposal you will find Joy-Toys of male or female gender.

So this is the guide to the sentimental relationships of Cyberpunk 2077 . Before concluding, we remind you that on you can access the complete guide dedicated to the CD Projekt RED title .