Cream (pharmacy

Cream. In medicine or pharmacy , a cream is a semi-solid preparation for topical treatment.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Definition
  • 3 Origin
  • 4 types
  • 5 Sources


Creams are water- based (as opposed to an ointment or ointment ) containing 60 to 80% water, in order to form a thick and homogeneous liquid . These preparations (which, as has been said, must be administered by topical use) are usually multiphase: they always contain a lipophilic phase and another hydrophilic phase, some are made of wax with alcohol . And in some other places like China the cream is made with avocado and oil to help strengthen the skin .


Female name:

  • Food substanceof more or less pasty consistency.
  • Substance fatcontaining milk .
  • Product cosmeticor pharmaceutical doughy and external use which is applied to skin or mucous membranes for various purposes.
  • Part of a type of thing or personthat represents the most select of its kind.
  • Paste to shineand preserve leather articles, especially footwear .


Alteration (s. Xviii) of the Greek trêma, trêmatos ‘ hole ‘, ‘points marked on a die’, derived from titrân ‘pierce’.


  • Firming creams. They tone and smooth the skin , and help regenerate the tissues of the dermis and epidermis .
  • Anti-cellulite. These anti-cellulite creams help eliminate toxins and restore skin circulation to reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of it.
  • Anti-stretch marks. Anti-stretch mark creams should be used as prevention rather than as post-treatment if you want them to really work, as they help prevent skin breakdown through deep hydration .
  • Exfoliating creams. In general, they are creams that, in addition to hydrating, are composed of microparticles that cleanse and regenerate the skin. They remove dead cells .
  • Spotting machines. They are used for localized areas, they help reduce melanin accumulation as well as protect the skin with sunscreens.
  • Antiacne. They serve to prevent or eliminate the appearance of juvenile or adult acne.
  • Self-tanners. They facilitate the achievement of tanning without the need for exposure or sun. Or, in case of sun exposure, they enhance it.
  • Firming. Its function is to tone and strengthen the elastic fibers of the skin tissues, and therefore facilitate their cellular regeneration.


by Abdullah Sam
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