Keeping the line in a food reeducation is no easy task. Anyone who has tried to say so, after all, there are many temptations around us, in addition to factors such as anxiety, stress and others that arise to disrupt our willpower. It is not for nothing that people usually postpone the beginning of the diet and many give up in the first days. This initial phase is really the most delicate, but it is also crucial for the success of the process. It is normal to encounter difficulties in this period, after all the body is still adapting to new habits. But, once the body gets into the rhythm, it becomes much easier and the results are rewarding. In addition, there are some tactics that we can use to facilitate this journey and prevent slippage.


  • Learn to differentiate hunger from the desire to eat
  • Eat before hunger tightens
  • Start with the salad
  • Invest in good fibers and fats
  • Keep your body hydrated
  • It is better to prevent
  • Control your emotions


If you are the type of person who cannot control hunger and is always nipping at something, especially those unhealthy snacks, know that this habit can be your emotional side talking. Therefore, the first step in being able to stay on the diet is to learn to identify physiological hunger. Unlike emotional, which is sudden and urgent, true hunger arises and increases gradually, and it does not disappear if you do another activity to distract yourself.

The desire to eat is not about physiological needs, but about mental or emotional state, as in sad or very happy situations, moments of tension or anxiety. Knowing how to differentiate one from the other is essential to ensure the success of the diet, so that you will know what to do in the face of each symptom. If your hunger is emotional, doing activities that distract you helps to resist the temptation to eat calorie foods. But, if it is recurrent, you may need to seek the help of a psychologist to identify the trigger that triggers this sensation.


To control hunger, you need to take control of the situation and not let it catch you. In other words, the greater the appetite, the greater the chances of an exaggeration, right? The problem is that when this happens the insulin level skyrockets in the body, causing a spike that then causes a feeling of tiredness and more hunger. This can lead to a cycle that is difficult to break. To avoid this situation, the ideal is to anticipate and eat a meal before reaching a critical state. Therefore, when there is a sign of mild hunger, you can take the opportunity to eat less and more slowly, so the body maintains the rhythm of work and provides more energy for the body.


It seems irrelevant, but “lining” your stomach with a salad before the main course can make all the difference in a healthy diet. This is because, starting with this light and nutritious option increases satiety and, consequently, helps to reduce the amount of the next dish, which is generally more caloric. So invest in a very varied and colorful salad, rich in green leaves, greens and vegetables. To season you can add extra virgin olive oil and lemon, which also help to reduce your appetite.


Excess hunger may be a sign that your body is not receiving all the nutritional support it needs to function properly. Therefore, the ideal is to bet on ingredients that, in addition to being nutritious, are also foods that satisfy hunger, capable of prolonging this sensation for longer, such as fibers and good fats. Foods such as broccoli, fruits, legumes, grains, cereals and vegetables, especially green leaves, are rich in fiber and are therefore digested more slowly by the body. With this, satiety is prolonged and you end up eating less.

The good fats found in oilseeds, such as almonds, nuts and chestnuts, in fish such as salmon, or in foods such as avocado and extra virgin olive oil, also help to delay gastric emptying, in addition to contributing to the improvement of health as a whole. Many people exclude fats from the menu during the diet, but it is a mistake, as they promote satiety and energy for the body, preventing excessive hunger. And when consumed in moderation, they do not harm weight loss at all, on the contrary, they can speed up this process and favor a healthy diet.


Dehydration produces a sensation that is easily mistaken for hunger, the signs are the same and confusing with each other is more common than you think. Therefore, you may just be thirsty. In addition, many people live in a state of chronic dehydration without even realizing it and the result is weakness and difficulty concentrating. Keeping your body hydrated is vital to its proper functioning. That is why you should consume at least the recommended two liters daily to keep your body in a good mood and an alert mind, in addition to avoiding such hunger that, in fact, can be thirsty.


Controlling your diet is much easier when you plan ahead, especially if you eat out. In the street the number of temptations is much higher and when hunger hits, it is difficult to resist. The fact is that it is not always easy to find healthy snack options when we need to eat out, so the ideal is to walk with portions of healthy snacks and snacks that can satiate without deviating from the purpose. Experts strongly recommend fractional meals throughout the day, which consist of three main and three intermediate snacks. So, if you go to work, study or take a walk, prepare a lunch box or lunch box with healthy options that can help you stay focused.


Anxiety eating is more common than it looks. Who has never discounted the sadness or frustration that throws the first stone in the food, right? Our mind is much more powerful than it looks and, to avoid emotional hunger, we must learn to control thoughts and emotions that serve as triggers. A good way is to look for distractions and tasks that divert thoughts. The first phase of the diet is usually the most difficult. As soon as the results start to appear, the disposition and willpower increase a lot. So, you know, you can count on us: here on the Nature Center Blog you can find the best content on diet and supplementation, so always keep an eye on our content!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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