Commands for Rust: How to optimize Rust with the best settings

The popularity that Rust has acquired after its launch through Egoland, its famous server used by the most recognized players of this platform, has caused various Steam communities to start downloading it to their computer from many parts of the world.

That is why, as the platform modality is experienced, many users look for a way to optimize the game to obtain greater benefits and quick access to modalities.

This aspect is totally far from the requirements that are essential for the enjoyment of the game within the computer, since they are nothing more than commands that configure the platform in a way that adjusts to the taste of each individual.

In this way, if you work as the administrator of a server or just another player of this popular video game, today you will be able to discover the various codes that will help you improve your experience.

How to enter commands on the Rust platform?

The commands that we will talk about today are totally far from the codes used to hack the game, which in addition to fulfilling this function, are a safe pass to the expulsion of the game, so it is not recommended to use them.

In order to enter any type of command within the Rust Spanish server with which you work , you can access the experimental platform through F1 or it can also be achieved through the general game console.

Common commands for players

There are different types of codes, which cannot be implemented by all the members of the platform, but in case of being a common player, you can use the following:

Show the speed with which the equipment operates

Many users have problems within the interface, due to performance drawbacks of their own computer, that is why commands such as “Perf 1” show the frame rate per second , while “Perf 2” shows the use of the card. RAM.

User interface

The code “” is responsible for showing the interface that the user has while experimenting within the game, as well as can insert “Gui.hide” to hide it.

Server connection

In order to enter a Rust server, or in that case, configure the connection established with it, each user must handle a variety of commands that allow them to modify it quickly and efficiently.

“Client.connect ip: port” is the code that must be inserted in the console to gain access to the server that the user wants directly, as well as using “Net.disconnect” to disconnect from it.

In case of connection failures, users can use “Net.reconnect” to re-enter the server to which they were previously connected .

Activate streamer mode

The reason why many players prefer streamer mode in Rust is because it hides the names of other members of the platform, and other screen modifications. It can be achieved by transcribing “Streamermode 0/1”

Commands for server administrators

Although there are several games similar to Rust , there is always a reason why various members of the Steam community prefer this video game.

As well as access to command for common players is facilitated, for those who are in charge of managing a server it also has codes that allow you to optimize the configuration of the platform.

Grant permissions to another player

This type of command is only enabled for those who manage a game server , so for any other player to be able to use it, “moderatorid STEAMID” must be transcribed to provide the user license.

List of connected players

Through the “Status” command, each administrator will be able to view the data of the clients connected to the server , as well as their identification in Steam, connection ping and their IP.

Configure connected users

As an administrator, the individual has the ability to kick (“Kick NAME”) and ban (“Ban”) any user that he sees fit. In this way each individual can get the most out of these commands and enhance the experience within the incredible Rust.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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