Coffee Could Help Cure Colon Cancer

Coffee is the drink with which many people start their day. Beyond serving as breakfast or as a socializing element, recent studies suggest that it could have a series of health benefits: the  Dana-Farber Cancer Institute  includes in the article  Coffee Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality in Stage III Colon Cancer  that  coffee could increase the chances of survival in colon cancer patients  .

This research studied  about a thousand patients , who were asked about their habits about coffee or other caffeinated beverages during two stages of the pathology: during chemotherapy and one year later. The results showed that  those who regularly drank coffee (four or more cups a day) were 42 percent less likely to have colon cancer recur  than those who did not include it in their diet. In addition, this group also had a 33 percent less chance of dying from cancer.

According to  Charles S. Fuchs , director of the Dana-Farber Gastrointestinal Cancer Center and leader of the research, the reason for this effect of coffee is not exactly known, but there is a hypothesis:  the consumption of caffeine increases the sensitivity of the body. to insulin , which makes it less necessary and, in turn, reduces the level of inflammation.

Likewise,  Fuchs states that more studies are needed to verify the effects of caffeine  and, therefore, does not recommend colon cancer patients change their habits until these results are confirmed. The expert also remembers other forms of cancer prevention such   as avoiding  obesity , exercising regularly or maintaining a balanced diet.

This supposed new healing properties of coffee joins those described by other studies claim that this  drink caffeine could have benefits in patients with diseases  such as  diabetes  type 2 and other cancers such as  breast  at  menopause , the  liver , that of  prostate , or  melanoma


by Abdullah Sam
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