How To Reduce Belly Fat In 7 days At Home;Proven Cure

How to reduce belly fat in 7 days at home.You can say goodbye to bacon and rolls of fat, and lose belly weight in seven days by eliminating belly fat. Discover the advice of the expert nutrition.Goodbye to bacon and rolls of fat in a few simple steps: here’s how to start a seven-day journey to eliminate belly fat.

Unsightly and difficult to eliminate, “bacon” is one of the most hated imperfections by men and women. Getting a flat and toned stomach, however, is possible: a few simple tips and good habits are enough in most cases to achieve noticeable improvements. Here is a seven-day path that everyone can follow to get rid of the belly. Let’s start with the first two days.

How To Reduce Belly Fat In 7 days At Home.

How To Reduce Belly Fat In 7 days At Home;Proven Cure

First step to eliminate the belly: know yourself.

Before anything else, observe your body: undress and stand in front of a mirror, keep your back straight and observe the curvatures of the spine and the whole body. If the “bacon” is caused by a problem with posture, this is where you will notice. If, on the other hand, even maintaining a correct position, the swelling in the abdomen persists, it is time to move on to the second step.

Second step for a flat stomach: take your measurements.

With a tape measure, take the measurements of your waistline, at the narrowest point, and of your hips, at the widest point, then divide the measurement of the waistline by the measurement of the hips: if the number you get later this operation is greater than or close to 0.85 the cause of the prominent belly is probably an excess of insulin and cortisol. The fat caused by an excess of these two substances is easily recognizable: the tissues appear soft and yielding, with swelling of the abdomen and frequent rolls. It’s time to take action to eliminate them.

First and second day: drain and deflate.

The first two days of the path to a flat stomach begin with the elimination of swelling, bloating and fluid deposits, which cause the abdomen to dilate. At the end of the two days you will have drained excess fluids, reactivated intestinal function and checked your insulin levels: you will immediately feel lighter!

Swollen belly: that’s what it causes.

To combat fat deposits on the abdomen, the first useful move is to eliminate swelling, which dilates the tissues, facilitating the accumulation of fat. A swollen belly is also often flabby and has cellulite and water retention. In addition, abdominal bloating causes increased pressure on the intestine, often slowing its functions.

The remedy: the diuretic herbal tea.

A diuretic herbal tea drunk morning and evening dries fat deposits and drains excess fluids. For those who want to eliminate the “bacon” but also fight against heaviness in the legs, the ideal is an herbal tea with horse chestnut (which improves lymphatic and venous circulation), ginger (with reactivating and fat burning action) and cherry stalks (with properties draining). A teaspoon of this herbal mix in a cup of boiling water, left to infuse for ten minutes, is a real cure-all against swelling. To sweeten, maple syrup is perfect, which has an anti-retention action.

Nutrition: the foods to eliminate for a flat stomach.

Proper nutrition is essential for optimal results. No to salt, flour, pasta and white bread (better wholemeal) and white sugar (no to sweets and sugary drinks), which swell and promote water retention. Also pay attention to ready-made or packaged dishes, cheeses and cured meats, which often hide large quantities of salt. To season and give flavor to foods, it is better to use spices or fresh herbs, which give flavor and allow you to use less salt.

The “good” foods for the line: yes to nuts, eggs and black bread.

Proteins are an excellent ally to stay in line, because they are more easily converted into muscle and lean mass rather than fat: eggs, poultry, fish and lean dairy products are therefore excellent allies. Vegetables and fruits are always recommended, as they are rich in water, vitamins and fiber. An excellent source of fiber, useful for deflating the belly, are also walnuts, almonds and black bread. Finally, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of liquids a day (water above all, but also tea, infusions and soups).

The supplement: an extra help.

An extra help in the fight against a bloated belly comes from acai juice. The acai is a Brazilian palm whose berries are an excellent source of antioxidants, which have an anti-inflammatory and protective vessel action and which help keep blood sugar under control. Acai juice is found in herbal medicine. It is recommended to consume half a glass every morning, before breakfast, diluted in a large glass of still water.

Relaxation against stress and swelling.

Stress, in addition to health, is also the enemy of the line: it causes an increase in the synthesis of cortisol which raises blood sugar and insulin levels, increasing swelling. If at the end of the day you have a more tense and swollen belly, it could be stress that is responsible: fight it with a good relaxing hot bath, adding a kilo of coarse salt to the water (with relaxing and draining properties) and 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil, with calming properties.

THE HAND DIET – A TRICK TO LOSE ABDOMINAL FAT;How To Reduce Belly Fat In 7 days At Home;Proven Cure.

How To Reduce Belly Fat In 7 days At Home;Proven Cure

This is closely linked to your menu and, as the name implies, on the amount of food to be included on your meal plan.Therefore,we have already mentioned that taking in too many calories is inherently dangerous. It is also the reason for the accumulation of fat on your waistline.Of all the macronutrients, the ones to watch out for are carbohydrates.In fact, it is the carbohydrates that increase your insulin, which has the task of transforming the surplus of energy into fat stores.

Therefore, I advise you to eliminate these elements from your menu as much as possible:

  • sodas,
  • processed foods,
  • desserts,
  • baked goodse
  • fast food food.

Rather prefer those foods that integrate quality carbohydrates,


  • oatmeal,
  • quinoa,
  • wholemeal pasta,
  • rice (wholemeal),
  • sweet potatoes,
  • couscous,

If you then combine this with trick number three, I guarantee you will melt abdominal fat right away.So remember!Add quality carbohydrate sources to your dishes. Let your closed hand represent the (cooked) amount of food per meal.With the help of this rule it will be easier to burn belly fat.

If you want to improve your results even further, then I recommend that you use a meal plan to lose belly fat. Try a personalized online diet , tailored to your needs and requirements.

This means a personalized meal plan based on your characteristics, such as

  • sex,
  • age,
  • height,
  • weighte
  • level of physical activity.

So you will know at any moment what, how much and when to eat,offering you a menu customized to your person and your goals.You will receive 35 new recipes to choose from, thus bringing your favorite dish to the table and burning the fat on your waist in the shortest amount of time. And it doesn’t stop ther

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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