Cheats for A Witch’s Tale

A Witch’s Tale is a role-playing adventure for Nintendo DS that has a fairy tale design and gameplay that is somewhat problematic at times, but generally offers a good experience for lovers of the Nightmare Before Christmas aesthetic, with elements that are reminiscent of Halloween and combine tenderness and terror. The story goes that thousands of years ago powerful witches lived under the earth and one day they decided to invade and take control of the planet. Alice is the savior, a powerful sorceress who used the power of witches to drive and seal them off. But now it seems that the Queen of Sorceresses still lives in the depths and is ready to return to power as soon as she gets a chance. When the young Liddell opens the book of enchantments and frees the Ancient Sorceress, a journey of adventure begins that will take Liddel and his friend Loue to explore different scenarios seeking to save the world from destruction, once again. The adventure has good moments and an excellent design, although some controls are sometimes ineffective. From Guía Manía we give you the best tricks for the adventure A Witch’s Tale on your Nintendo DS, so take note and have fun in a world of magic and adventures.

Cheats for A Witch’s Tale in detail from DS

The Secret Door is a kind of Black Jack mini game that is activated once we win the game and save after having defeated the final boss.

One of the most difficult mazes in the game is the Forest Labyrinth, and in order not to get lost you have to follow the following directions depending on the starting point:

Rabbit doll, Arr., Arr., Right, Arr.
Cat doll, Arr.x4, Left
Mouse doll, Arr., Arr., Left, Arr., Arr., Right.
Tea Party, Arr., Right, Right, Arr., Arr., Arr

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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