Chartered: The Golden Age review

They’re flying all over you, new board games. However, there are certainly a few gems in between. One of these is Chartered: The Golden Age, a new Dutch-made game. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the game is now available for purchase.

Chartered: The Golden Age was developed by two Dutch friends and is not made too complicated. The makers have tried to combine fun and strategy into a game that is easy to learn, but remains challenging.

The game revolves around the Amsterdam trade in the golden age. A time when the Dutch economy was booming thanks to the VOC and later also the West India Company. Amsterdam and the canal belt in particular was a very important trading place.

You gradually provide the canals on the game board with increasingly larger and higher warehouses. Each warehouse is a company, where each company trades 1 specific type of raw material. The larger the warehouse, the more value a company has.

Are you looking for a great board game? Then check out our 10 best board games!

You can take over companies, invest and of course make a profit. The game is a mix of fun and tactics, which you understand quickly but is challenging. In an hour to ninety minutes you have built up Amsterdam completely and you come to the final settlement. Who made the best choices? Which company has grown the fastest? Who has earned the most? In the end, the merchant with the most money wins.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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