Surely sometime before posting a status on WhatsApp, you ask yourself what people can see my status? Could it be that people I don’t have in my contacts will also see it? It is for this reason that we gave ourselves the task of investigating, and creating this guide so you can know which people can see your status.
Can Numbers You Have Not Added See Your WhatsApp Status?
Index( )
- What do you need on your device to know who can see your states?
- Have the latest version of WhatsApp
- How to know if someone you do not have added in WhatsApp can see your states?
- Review the privacy of your statuses
- What to do if you have added someone but you don’t want them to see your WhatsApp statuses?
- Choose the option ‘my contacts’
What do you need on your device to know who can see your states?
WhatsApp is one of the most famous applications in the world, since it allows us not only to send messages, but also to make free calls, to all users of the same application, either in its mobile version or in its web version , however, one One of its most famous features is being able to post stories , which are only seen for 24 hours, by the people you have on your WhatsApp contact list.
However, it is important that you know what permissions you have configured in your account in a matter of states, so following the steps below will help you configure these settings:
Have the latest version of WhatsApp
In order to configure your status privacy, you must first have the latest version downloaded on your WhatsApp phone , then you will go to the settings and verify the privacy settings of your statuses , in this way you will be able to see what permissions you have activated in this way, you can keep your information safe.
How to know if someone you do not have added in WhatsApp can see your states?
It is important to clarify that only the people that you have added to your contact list and who have WhatsApp can see your statuses, since if you do not have them added, it is impossible for these people to see your statuses.
More, however, many times we want to publish a status , and we do not want certain people to see it, you must follow the step that we are going to tell you about below:
Review the privacy of your statuses
To check which people can see your status, you must first go to the privacy settings of the WhatsApp account; which is located in the upper right part of the screen where the three dots are located.
When you are there, you go to the account settings and then you go to the status settings ; Later, a list will appear with several options, one of them is to show the status to my contacts, another is to show the status except to, and the last one is to share your status only with, in this way, you can choose who you want to share with your story to WhatsApp.
However, if you cannot locate these options in your WhatsApp account, or it is not allowed to do these actions; It is important that you contact the WhatsApp support department; so that they make a report and can solve your problem.
What to do if you have added someone but you don’t want them to see your WhatsApp statuses?
As we already mentioned before; to be able to do this action to prevent a contact or contacts from seeing your states . First, you must go to the account settings, and when you are there, you must follow the instructions that we are going to give you below.
Choose the option ‘my contacts’
When you are in the configuration option << Account-states>> you will verify that the option to share with your contacts will appear by default, which means that; the status can be seen by all the people you have added to your WhatsApp.
But, if you do not want all these people to see your status, you must choose between these two options; which is to share my status only with, that is, in this part you will only select the people with whom you want to specifically share said status, plus the other people you have added to your contact list will not be able to view the status.
The other option is to share except with; which means that the people you select in this option will not be able to see your status, yes, WhatsApp will never notify them that you blocked them in their statuses.
More, however, they can deduce that you did it because suddenly your publications will no longer appear. In this way we end our article, I hope you liked it and that you have learned how you can verify if the contacts that you do not have added to WhatsApp can see your states, see you in the next one, good luck!