Who can be called the Meeting Chairperson?

Who can be called the meeting leader? Meeting leaders are employees who are responsible for planning, organizing, managing details and inviting or inviting all meeting participants to attend the important meeting. The meeting leader is also called the head of the meeting or meeting leader.


Indirectly, they are the people responsible for making work meetings more effective . They act as leaders of the meeting and have responsibilities that apply during “before, during (the meeting takes place) and after the work meeting ends” only to ensure that the work meeting that is carried out has achieved the successful goals as expected.


Meeting leaders play a key role in the success of work meetings. That is why every employee appointed as meeting leader is someone who has a very important role. In addition, in some meetings the meeting leaders may be heads of departments, team leaders or employees who are directly appointed by senior management. Usually, the employees chosen are those who have good leadership skills, making it suitable to have the role of manager or leader.


Although employees who are meeting leaders are usually appointed directly by senior management, we can also make the decision to play this leadership role so that all members of the meeting can feel what it feels like to be the meeting leader. In this way, all team members can develop their leadership skills, especially being good meeting leaders and succeeding in creating important effective meetings.


What are the Roles and Responsibilities of Meeting Leaders? 

The following is a list of roles and responsibilities of a meeting leader.


Meeting Leader’s Responsibilities

– Following the procedures or basic rules that apply in work meetings is the primary responsibility of the meeting leader.

– Determine the tasks and objectives to be achieved from the work meeting.

– Make a decision, whether through work meetings we can achieve these desired goals. In other words, is this work meeting necessary or does it not need to have a work meeting at all?

– Set the date, time and location to be used for work meetings.

– Establish the names of meeting members who need to help the meeting leader in planning work meetings.

– Arranging pre-employment meetings such as reading important information relevant to the topic of the work meeting or reading minutes from previous work meetings that are still related.

– Invite meeting participants and distribute tasks or work relevant to work meetings.

– Determine the agenda of the meeting where all the agendas of this meeting MUST be completed or delivered at the work meeting, so that the use of time in work meetings is very effective.

– Ensuring that during work meetings there is an active recording device or a note-taker documenting all processes, commitments, action plans or decisions agreed upon in the work meeting. Also, don’t forget to set one person as a timer.

– Trying to do small talk or small talk with all members of the meeting, so that work meetings do not run in “cold” or awkward conditions.

In addition, meeting leaders also need to create comfortable meeting conditions so that all meeting members can communicate well with each other.

– Make the atmosphere of the meeting more fun by inserting a bit of humor that is funny, but still polite.

– Arrive in the meeting room early (if possible 10-15 before the meeting starts in order to prepare everything that needs to be prepared).

– Ensuring that each meeting member knows and understands their duties and obligations after the work meeting ends.

– Plan the next meeting agenda.

– Ensuring that actions, commitments and decisions agreed upon at the meeting will be carried out by all members of the meeting.

– Offering assistance if there are members of the meeting who still do not understand the results of the meeting.


The role held by the Meeting Chair

Of all the above responsibilities, meeting leaders have a role related to communication , reporting and strong team performance. Each team member who is cross-functional or comes from another department, they have an obligation to always update important information to other departments about the activities and progress that the team has had since the last work meeting took place. Participants in this cross-functional meeting are also responsible for seeking input from other colleagues, who may not be able to attend the work meeting. Yep, because not all employees can attend every work meeting held, right?


In this case, the chairperson has the additional responsibility of keeping senior managers involved and getting information through effective communication and feedback. If there are one or several meeting participants who do not provide effective performance, then the meeting leader has a strong role to improve his leadership techniques in leading work meetings .


A meeting leader cannot guarantee that a project from the meeting’s decision will run well and be successful, but the meeting leader must ensure that all members of the meeting make the maximum contribution to the project.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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