Broad beans: 10 reasons to eat more

The beans are legumes light green. We can buy them fresh in spring and we find them dry throughout the year.

The beans are rich in protein and vegetable fiber, but they are low in gas . They are a natural source of many of the nutrients necessary for our diet, such as vitamins and minerals.

Here are 10 reasons to eat more.


  • Source of iron
  • Lose weight
  • Source of vitamin B1
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Source of folic acid
  • Prevent Diabetes
  • Brain wellness
  • Prevent arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Source of protein
  • Luminous skin
  • Favism

Source of iron

Broad beans are a source of mineral salts that should not be underestimated. In particular, they contain a good amount of iron , a substance considered essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood. Iron, together with copper, is a fundamental resource for the formation of red blood cells.

Also read: 12 sources of iron for vegans

Lose weight

Consuming broad beans can help you lose weight or maintain your correct weight due to their balanced protein and vegetable fiber content. According to a study published in 2010 by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, following a diet that provides for the correct intake of these elements makes weight loss easier.

Source of vitamin B1

In addition to iron and other minerals, such as phosphorus and copper, beans contain vitamin B1 , also known as thiamine . Vitamin B1 is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and for the metabolism of energy .

Lower cholesterol

Broad beans are rich in nutrients that support cardiovascular health and help lower cholesterol . The merit would be above all of their fiber content, which helps stabilize blood cholesterol levels. They would be effective, in particular , for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Source of folic acid

Broad beans are an important plant source of folic acid . Folate belongs to the family of B vitamins, which are essential for metabolism and to guarantee our body the necessary energy. Furthermore, folic acid supports the functions of the snow system and helps the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Read also: Folic acid: the foods that contain the most

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Prevent Diabetes

Broad beans, as already pointed out, are rich in plant fibers, which are considered useful for balancing blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes. A high-fiber diet also helps prevent obesity and heart problems, as well as reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Brain wellness

Broad beans contain L-DOPA , a precursor to certain substances found in the brain, such as dopamine and epinephrine. Dopamine is associated with better functioning of body movements. Consuming more beans could help prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease .

Prevent arthritis and osteoporosis

Broad beans are rich in manganese , a mineral that the modern diet may lack. Manganese supports the function of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and is necessary for the production of an important antioxidant enzyme. A diet rich in manganese can help prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.

Source of protein

Broad beans, like many other legumes, are a good source of vegetable protein . At the same time, their caloric intake is not excessive. 100 grams of beans, in fact, provide 341 calories. To help our body have all the proteins it needs available, it is good to combine the consumption of broad beans and other legumes with that of whole grains .

Luminous skin

Among the beneficial nutrients present in beans we must not forget vitamin A , which helps us keep the skin healthy and make it radiant. Vitamin A not only protects and keeps the skin healthy, but is useful for promoting bone development and ensuring the well-being of the eyes and sight.


The numerous benefits of broad beans are unfortunately not valid for those suffering from favism . It is a disease in which there is a congenital defect in an enzyme normally contained in red blood cells . The enzyme defect is transmitted by inheritance via the X chromosome. The disease appears 12-48 hours after taking fresh broad beans . In severe cases, about half of the red blood cells are destroyed.

by Abdullah Sam
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