
The figs and figs are the infrutescences of the fig tree , a tree that belongs to the Moráceas family. This family consists of more than 1,500 species of trees and shrubs that produce latex. The fig is the first fruit that the fig tree annually produces, the fig being the fruit of the second harvest from the same tree. It is pear shaped and has different colorations, depending on the varieties. They can be yellow-greenish, bluish or black They are so delicious that even poets and philosophers have spread their virtues.


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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Origin and distribution
  • 3 The Plant
  • 4 Crop
  • 5 Collection
  • 6 Producers of figs
  • 7 Fertilization and Risks
  • 8 Nutritional characteristics
  • 9 Final advice and recommendations
  • 10 Sources


The breva has been known since ancient times and was already part of the diverse cultures of the Mediterranean basin since the times of the Pharaohs. In Greek culture it was considered a delicacy, Plato’s favorite, and the food recommended by Galen to the participants of the Olympic Games . Fig tree The same tree also bears the fig fruit a little later; It is even known that there are years depending on the fallen rains that may not produce brevas. In the northern hemisphere they occur every year with the announcement of the festivity of San Juan. In the southern hemisphere the ripening of its fruits coincides with the arrival of Christmas. It should not be confused with the fig, even when its characteristics are very similar.

Origin and distribution

As for the figs, the most cultivated species in the southeast of Spain are the Colar and the Goina. La Colar, also named by the Black and Florancha farmers, is the most esteemed for its quality. The colar brevas are larger than the others, blacker in color, rounder in shape and with easy scratching or cracking of the fruits, a commercial characteristic appreciated by the consumer given the attractiveness of the fruit. Goinas are similar in flavor but smaller in size and weight. In addition, they fall when they mature so their cultivation is currently in decline. The figs sold in the Spanish market come from the harvests of the country itself, from Elche (Alicante), Castellón and Extremadura.


The fig tree is native to the Mediterranean and its fruits have been highly appreciated by the different cultures that have settled on the shores of this sea over the years. The main producing countries are: Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, France, the United States and Brazil. Within Spanish territory it stands out its cultivation in Huesca (Fraga), Lérida, Ávila and Cáceres (Sierra de Gredos), Murcia and Alicante. These fruits can be classified into three groups depending on the color of their skin. White, whitish, yellowish or green varieties when ripe; the colored ones include the more or less light bluish fruits; and the black varieties,


The first thing we have to know is that the figs, despite not being as well recognized as figs, is a really rich fig product. They usually occur during the summer months, while in late summer we can enjoy the figs. That is, fig trees are trees that bear quite a bit of fruit throughout the entire summer season. This is why many people decide to plant this tree, since despite being a tree that is not at all beautiful for a garden, instead it is really beautiful when it comes to harvesting its fruits. It reproduces by layering and cutting, rooting easily. Its multiplication is very simple starting from stakes. So in practice, farmers often don’t buy bearded trees from nurseries, Instead, they plant directly with branched cuttings that they obtain from their own trees, choosing the best fig trees, of the variety they wish to reproduce. It is preferable to remove the cuttings from lateral branches since the central ones (suckers) originate fig trees with excessive vigor that would harm normal fruiting. The larger the cuttings used, the faster the fig trees will develop and therefore in less time productions will be obtained. The normal planting time is throughout the month of January. The frames used are highly variable. In extensive cultivation, real frame of 8 x 8 and currently, in intensive cultivation with frames of 5 x 5 or even more intense if figs are put alone, since the most frequent is to associate this cultivation with almond or pomegranate. The current trend is to plant thick, with a greater number of trees per unit area, in order to achieve higher unit productions, with easier collection since they are the smallest canopy trees. However, there are still many trees in rows, placed on the margins of the terraces dedicated to other crops, with high sizes as they are in wide frames and benefit from cultural operations that are devoted to basic crops, such as citrus, almond or various horticultural crops. .

In large terraces, it is advisable, due to the economy of the plantation, to carry it out in deep open furrows with a moldboard carried by a tractor, separated from each other by the previously established framework. The practice of planting is the same as when it is done in holes.


For this reason, when taking the figs, we have to see that their color is beautiful, it is not too hard or soft and above all we have to see that it is not pitted or has an insect, as this would make it impossible for us to eat it.

On the other hand, a trick to get a better taste of the fig, is to abundantly water our tree. These risks must be carried out at dawn and a little before sunset. This will cause the tree to collect this moisture and transmit it to the tree. That is, we are going to get to eat some much tastier figs.

Producers of figs

If you are looking for producers or suppliers of figs, at TheFoodTeam we have our brand “The Fruit Machine”, which brings together all those fruits and vegetables, which are grown by our best producers, in our own fields and without the use of chemical agents. Our fruits and vegetables stand out for their flavor and quality. We have more than 15 years of experience in the elaboration, production, commercialization and export of figs.

The constant consumption of healthy foods makes the figs appreciated in Spain and Europe, being an attractive product when looking for a healthy intake. Thanks to its laxative benefits, it is widely demanded by millions of consumers who seek to improve their quality of life through good digestion, as it is an emollient that softens the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. Added to this is its ability to slow the natural absorption of fats and sugars.

But not only this makes it relevant, because from a nutritional point of view, the figs are highly chosen for being rich in carbohydrates, which allow all the glucose in the body to be transformed into the necessary energy, something that guarantees its Success in those who require additional energy levels due to their long hours of work and study.

Fertilization and Risks

Fig trees are not usually fertilized directly. They greatly benefit from the nutrients that are incorporated to fertilize associated crops. The tree greatly appreciates the nitrogen fertilizer in terms of its vegetative development but the fruits, although increasing in size, lose quality in terms of flavor and preservation. As it has already been indicated, the fig tree tolerates drought well, rather it is harmed by excess humidity. However, it is advisable to water it in winter in dry winter climates and only if the year is very dry will we water again at the beginning of March to promote fattening of the figs and in July to improve the size of the figs, from ¬ teresar this harvest. It should not be forgotten that watering increases the caliber of the fruit but damages its quality. The more drought the fig tree suffers,

The pomegranate-fig tree association is not advisable, precisely because pomegranates require frequent watering at times that should not be given to the fig tree. If associating potatoes with fig trees, it is preferable to use early varieties so that the last irrigation occurs at most in April-May. It is advisable to leave a margin of soil on each side of the fig trees to avoid excessive humidity when watering the potatoes. The fig tree tolerates the salinity of the waters quite well, more than citrus and almond, but somewhat less than pomegranate. Water with 2 grams of sodium chloride per liter can be perfectly used.

Nutritional characteristics

This fruit has a high content of water and carbohydrates in the form of glucose, fructose and sucrose, so its calorie value is very high. It is also rich in fiber (2.5 g per 100 g), minerals such as potassium (235 mg per 100 g), magnesium (20 mg per 100 g), calcium (38 mg per 100 g), and vitamin C and provitamin A with antioxidant properties.

Final advice and recommendations

In order to guarantee that you have a home crop that is as fertile and healthy as possible, you should simply be guided by the steps mentioned above, but we have an extra guideline prepared for you:

  • Use compost that is rich in nitrogen. We already mentioned that it will be very useful to use the one that is rich in calcium, but aim this one too, because the sprout will thank you, especially after passing 20 centimeters in height.
  • This compost process should be done at least every three to four months, to help nourish the roots of minerals and vitamins.
  • When exceeding a height of 40 centimeters you should make the irrigation less regular. Keep in mind that the less water you get, as it grows, the fruits will be sweeter.
  • Excess water can make small natural foods bigger, but rest assured they will lose quality.

In time you will have a bigger tree than you probably expected. Follow our directions and enjoy in time a beautiful bush, which will give you the possibility to prepare delicious sweets at home.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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