
Beta-carotenes are pigments that belong to the group of carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow, orange or red colors present in many foods. Furthermore, it is a fundamental source of vitamin A : beta-carotene is transformed into this vitamin only when the body needs it.

They are antioxidant components , which help the immune system protect itself from various diseases and stimulate the production of white blood cells in the blood. We can not only ingest them through food, they can also be taken through supplements, in the form of tablets or capsules.

Benefits of beta-carotenes

  • Beta-carotenes may decrease asthma attacks caused by physical exercise.
  • It reduces the risk of acquiring heart diseasebecause its effects eliminate the bad cholesterol that we store.
  • A diet rich in betcarotenes helps protect the skin from free radicals and reduces the risk of In short, they are excellent for skin care.
  • They protect the skin from agingand prevent the appearance of wrinkles .
  • They protect the eyes from infections and cataracts.
  • Defenses increase.
  • Vitamin A keeps vision, skin, mucosa and bonesin good condition .
  • Intake of beta carotene helps prevent worsening of osteoarthritis.


  • It is not recommended to ingest high doses of beta carotene during pregnancy and lactation.
  • The consumption of alcohol may decrease the effectiveness of beta – carotene.

Foods rich in beta-carotenes

The foods that contain the highest amount of beta-carotenes are:

  • Carrots, is the main food where we can find it, it can be eaten both cooked and raw.
  • Peppers.
  • Sweet potato or sweet potato.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Vegetables and vegetables, especially dark green ones such as spinach, dandelions, chard, or broccoli.
  • Fruits: bananas, apples, plums, oranges, mangoes, peaches, nectarines, papaya, melons or apricots.


by Abdullah Sam
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