Best Weapon Combinations in PUBG Mobile Miramar

PUBG Mobile Miramar is the largest map with unique terrain and natural landscape. Therefore, you need to have a unique strategy and combination of weapons to achieve victory on this map. Here are the best weapon combinations to conquer the Miramar map in PUBG Mobile.

Kar98K & M416

The M416 is a versatile weapon that is effective in both short and medium range engagements. Also, it is one of the most stable weapons with very little recoil. Thus, you can take down one or two enemies with a load of bullets with this powerful assault rifle.

Next, you need a powerful sniper rifle for long-range combat. Kar98K is a great choice for PUBG Mobile gamers. It is very popular in Miramar. So, you can knock out an enemy with a level 2 helmet in one hit.

SLR & M416

If you can’t find a Kar98K or are not good at using SRs, you can pick up an SLR with an M416. This DMR also produces great damage per shot. The SLR is known as the upgraded version of the SKS with increased damage, effective range, and recoil. Therefore, you should find a cheek pad and compensator to reduce the recoil rate of this weapon.

SLR is a powerful DMR

SCAR-L & M24

Like the M146, the SCAR-L is a balanced, stable and powerful assault rifle. It is also easy to find in Miramar. SCAR-L uses 5.56 rounds and has high damage, high rate of fire, and enormous armor penetration. You can use this weapon to take on short and medium range combat.


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So you also need a decent sniper rifle to engage in long-range combat on such a large map. The M24 is one of the most powerful SRs with a giant damage of 79. It is also available in Miramar, although it is less popular than the Kar98K.

AKM & Mini-14

This is my favorite weapon combination on this map. The AKM is truly a beast in close combat with great damage and a very high rate of fire. However, this weapon is quite difficult to control due to its heavy recoil. Therefore you will need a compensator to reduce the recoil of the weapon.

Mini-14 is very versatile. It has the least damage, but this weapon also has a very small recoil rate among DMRs. With a 6x or 8x scope, the Mini-14 will become a deadly weapon that many professional gamers choose to use in this vast desert.


by Abdullah Sam
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