Best applications to paint mandalas from the Tablet and PC

Mental health is essential, and to achieve this requires certain routines and activities. Technology, arguably, has helped in this regard.

The development of different tools has opened an important door. Such is the case of the mandala , an ancient symbol with a high content of spirituality. Today you will discover the best applications to color mandalas from the Tablet or PC.

If you have free time and a lot of stress on your shoulders, coloring mandalas will be an activity that will surprise you. Get ready to find out how this trend has emerged, the benefits it brings and which platforms to use for coloring.

What are mandalas?

Before you know the best applications to color mandalas from Tablet or PC, it is convenient to review a little history. This symbol is native to India and is frequently used in Buddhism and Hinduism.

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Mandalas represent the microcosm and macrocosm, all of this always from the spiritual point of view. Its benefits are attributed mainly to the practice of meditation . However, for some time, they have been highly sought after objects for decorative purposes.

Uses and benefits

As noted above, mandalas have deep spiritual significance . In Buddhist and Hindu culture, the mandala is used to achieve levels of calm.

In this way, it would be possible to establish a link or connection between divinity and man. Therefore, with the help of mandalas, a spiritual balance or purification of the soul can be found.

Marketing of mandalas

The market has taken advantage of this symbol and has managed to exploit its commercialization. These days, it is common to see decorative mandalas in homes and businesses . Precisely, they are placed with the belief that these help to purify the environment and ward off bad energies.

But it has not only had an influence from the decorative point of view. Many say that coloring mandalas has also turned out to be very beneficial. This practice is frequented, above all, in people with anxiety. The simple fact of taking charge of coloring mandalas gives them a feeling of tranquility and calm . It allows them to better manage their emotions and thoughts.

Best applications to paint mandalas from the Tablet and PC

If you want to start checking the effectiveness of the mandalas, coloring them will surely be an interesting step. Each operating system (mobile or PC) has different programs. Searching for the best one could be a chore at times.

<![if !vml]>hand pencil draw coloring tablet<![endif]>

That is why this section will make your life easier, how? Selecting the best applications to color mandalas from your Tablet or PC.

Mandalas coloring pages

If you have an Apple device, you will love downloading this application . Not only does it have a wide variety of mandala designs, but its tools and brushes are incredible. You can download this application for free. Take advantage of its customization features and experiment with the available filters.

Try Recolor!

When talking about the best applications to color mandalas from your Tablet or PC, we must talk about Recolor! This is an application where you will find drawings of all kinds to color. It has a large number of functions with which you can make real works of art. Of course, within its large catalog of drawings, there are mandalas.

At Recolor , you will surely find the best mandala designs for coloring. This application is available on both Android and iOS.


If you don’t have a mobile device and you want to draw mandalas from your computer , this platform is perfect. You won’t need to download anything, just go to the website and start coloring.

You will not only find mandalas. You will also find a variety of drawings waiting to be colored by you . Once finished, you can download and print your drawing.

Zen: Coloring book for adults

This platform offers you up to more than 250 mandala designs available to be painted . Like the previous alternatives, it has interesting tools related to creating and customizing the brush .

What are you waiting to start coloring?

With all these options, it only remains that you take enough time to dedicate yourself to this interesting activity. The results, for sure, you will notice progressively. Shake a little stress and color a mandala !


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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